
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Aug 2024

Market Profile


Malaysia's insurance regulator keeps pace with technology

This year, Bank Negara Malaysia issued the licensing and regulatory framework for digital insurers and takaful operators, which would allow such entities to offer strong value propositions.

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Malaysian regulation tightens as insurance industry rebounds

As the Malaysian insurance industry begins to see financial improvement, Bank Negara continues to enhance customer experience and industry digitalisation with a series of new measures.

Encouraging results from Malaysian life despite challenges

The Malaysian life insurance industry has been performing consistently, delivering promising results despite low penetration and surging medical claims.

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Malaysia: Takaful growth fuelled by EVs and ageing population

Both family and general takaful segments have experienced growth over the past few years in Malaysia, according to experts.

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Flood still a big concern for Malaysian reinsurers

The Malaysian reinsurance industry did not seen any significant improvement in 2023 and the recent floods are still reported to be a big concern for insurers and reinsurers in Malaysia.

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Malaysia: Motor to dominate general insurance

Despite underwriting losses, motor insurance business continues to dominate the general insurance space in Malaysia with a 45% market share.

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