
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Oct 2023



Insuring the uninsurable

With climate change continuing to change how Nat CAT events impact the world, a longer-term view is needed.

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Nat CAT communication can bridge the protection gap

As the impacts of climate change are coming to the fore in the form of increasing and more severe catastrophic events, it is necessary that the gap between the economic losses and insured losses is bridged.

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Record rains and flooding impact South Asian economies

The South Asian region is one of the most vulnerable to Nat CAT, with flooding being the most severe in recent years.

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Nat CAT rates in China likely to go up despite underinsurance

There is lack of understanding of Nat CAT insurance in China and a reliance on the government to cover risks.

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Addressing Nat CAT risks and protection gaps in Asia

Nat CAT-related protection gaps are the widest in Asia and could worsen over the coming years.

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Plenty of opportunities for motor insurers despite rising claims

New technologies help insurers collect data from vehicles that can improve underwriting and pricing but there are disputes over ownership and privacy of that information.

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Life & health

Insurers take mental health seriously

The insurance industry has taken a cue from recent developments and is today giving priority to mental health, both in terms of creating awareness and developing products.

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Mental health coverage remains poor in Malaysia

Although there is rising awareness in regard to mental health in Malaysia, insurers can do much more for both patients and professionals.

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Nepal: Mental health challenges aplenty

Mental health conditions are a growing concern in Singapore, with an estimated one in seven people in Singapore having experienced a mental health disorder.

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Singapore: Mental health stigma still a problem

Mental health conditions are a growing concern in Singapore, with an estimated one in seven people in Singapore having experienced a mental health disorder.

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Thailand: Mental healthcare and changing insurance landscape

The insurance industry in Thailand is all set to come true on the mental healthcare for the growing population.

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View from India: Mental health - Indian insurers need to take bold initiatives

Mental health in India has now moved beyond the stage of ‘little understood and often ignored’.

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The changing face of wealth

The high net worth segment has been a rapidly shifting demographic for insurers, both in characteristics and attitudes.

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