
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Jan 2024


Data insights fuel insurance business

Moody’s RMS has come a long way in recent years, expanding its coverage and business offerings. We caught up with the agency’s Mr Andy Hare.


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Earth observation data for insurance

ICEYE styles itself as an organisation that provides Earth observation data to government and businesses – including insurers – to help them solve problems.


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Underwriting cyber efficiently

The cyber market is growing fast. But are there enough specialists to cover the demand?


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Enabling insurance with technology

The eighth edition of the Singapore FinTech Festival did not shy away from delving into timely issues such as the advantages and future implications of using technology in insurance.


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Heightened M&A activity in insurance forecast across Asia

In 2022, Asia not only saw the highest percentage increase year-on-year in M&A deals, but it was also the only region that did not experience a dip in the second half, something other markets did.


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Digital and green transitions top priority for ASEAN insurers

Speakers at the fifth ASEAN Insurance Summit held discussions on the future of insurance, strengthening industry resilience, innovation and maintaining sustainable development in the insurance sector.


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