Health insurers have handed back to policyholders about A$2.1bn ($1.4bn) of the profits they gained from a reduction in claims between the start of the pandemic and 30 June 2022, according to the latest report of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).
More foreign companies are likely to enter the insurance market in the Philippines as the deadline looms for the final tranche of required capital increases -- a move that would impact small local insurers.
Currently 3.6bn people face inadequate access to water for at least a month per year and this is expected to increase to more than 5bn by 2050 according to the first edition of the State of Global Water Resources 2021 report.
One third of countries across the world have seen risks to their democratic processes increase significantly during the past five years, with corporates operating in poorly ranked countries facing ESG and supply chain threats according to Verisk Maplecroft democratic governance ondex (DGI).
Fast-melting glaciers are releasing staggering amounts of unknown bacteria into rivers and streams, which could transform icy ecosystems according to new research.