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Risk Features

Exclusive - Let Us Be Serious About Managing Risks: Munich Re Chairman

Dr Nikolaus von Bomhard, Chairman of Munich Re’s Board of Management, visited Singapore in October and participated in a dialogue session with the industry. In this first of a two-part series of articles on the wide-ranging issues covered in the dialogue, moderated by Mr Sivam Subramaniam, Editor-in-Chief of Asia Insurance Review, Dr von Bomhard urged companies to stay, above all, technical in the pricing of risks. Ms Wong Mei-Hwen reports.

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Events - Managing and Calculating Catastrophe Risks: Still a Long Way to Go in Asia

Asia has been fully exposed to the vagaries of increased frequency and severity of catastrophes and their ultimate toll on the people, economy and society. Asia Insurance Review brought its 5th Conference on Catastrophe Insurance in Asia, with the theme “Managing the Challenge of Increasing Frequency and Severity in Catastrophe Losses”, to Hong Kong recently. Our Conference Journalist May Low examines the urgent need to educate and bring catastrophe insurance to the masses.

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Events - IUMI Tokyo Tackles Issues of Loss Prevention and Risk

Marine underwriters are in the best position to contribute to loss prevention measures as they were driven by the incentive of paying claims, said Mr Patrick de la Morinerie, IUMI President in his opening address to more than 330 delegates attending the 133rd IUMI held in Tokyo for the fourth time since 1975. Urging them forward to break the seemingly “everlasting deadlock”, he added that underwriters must persuade and demonstrate to clients that insurance should be seen primarily as a cost-reducing factor and not a pure cost factor. Here, Asia Insurance Review brings you a report of what the international marine insurance world is saying about their market today and all the challenges facing them in the main report and in the breakout session report.

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Events - Taking the Enterprise Approach to Managing Risk

Despite the growing recognition of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), hurdles still exist in Asia where there is still the phenomenon of conducting risk management at the cost of cover, said speakers at the 6th Federation of Asia Pacific & African Risk Management Organisation (Faparmo) International Risk Management Conference held in Singapore. With the theme of “Risk Management as a Priority for Government, Boardroom and Operational Strategies”, the conference, which drew nearly 200 delegates, also discussed the growing importance of the Chief Risk Officer and other risk management trends and strategies around the world.

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Personality - Risky Business

This month, our Editor Wendy Koh chats with Mr Scott Ryrie, Senior Vice President & General Manager, Asia Pacific of XL Re, on his need for speed both on the high seas and on dry land.

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News - Asia: Avian Flu High on Asia Pacific’s Catastrophe Risk Management Planning – ACE Survey

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