
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

May 2016

Country Profile

Australia - Consumer centricity and trust key goals for Australian industry

Asia Insurance Review's annual breakfast roundtable in Sydney with some nine leading insurance industry professionals touched on a myriad of topics ncluding being customer-centric, winning trust, sustainable underwriting, capacity, data analytics and the industry's reputation amongst others.

Australia - New mandate sees APRA supervising health insurers

In this extract from the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) Insight 2016 report, we look at the regulator's priorities in the supervision of health insurers which came under APRA's purview last year.

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Australia - The value of Third Party Administration for insurers

Many industries such as banking, manufacturing, telecommunications, both in Australia and across the world, employ specialist Third Party Administrators (TPAs) to assist with providing a quality service to their customers. Mr Daniel Lukich of Cunningham Lindsey explores why this is so and takes a look at the growth of Third Party Administration in the Australian insurance market.

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