
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Aug 2022



World's fastest growing insurance region is emerging Asia

Swiss Re Institute has predicted that insurance growth in emerging Asia (excluding China) will average 6.2% in 2022-2023, making it the main engine of global growth.

Australia: More frequent secondary perils expected

Following several years of large catastrophe losses, and record-breaking floods in February and March 2022, the June and July 2022 renewals were a market-changing event for Australia, said Aon.

New Zealand: Vehicle-generated air pollution found to cause hundreds of premature deaths

Human-made air pollution in New Zealand result in an estimated 3,300 deaths each year among people aged 30, according to the findings of the Health and Air Pollution in New Zealand study which were released this month.


Overshooting 2°C would cause permanent damage to Earth's species

A new study has analysed that overshooting the 2°C temperature target would be highly damaging and even a temporary overshoot would cause waves of irreversible extinctions and lasting damage to tens of thousands of species.

Asia and Africa lead the emerging world on 'commitment on climate'

Commitment on climate policy in the emerging world is strongest in countries most vulnerable to the impacts of global warming and in those with effective governments but weakest in those reliant on fossil-fuel income according to a new analysis by Oxford Analytica and WTW.

India: 70% of seniors had no proper healthcare during pandemic

Around 70% per cent of senior citizens in India did not have access to proper healthcare facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic while over 57% faced mental health issues according to a new survey by Max group company Antara. Max group is also the promoter of Max Life Insurance Company.