
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Risk Features

Risk Management Feature - Business resilience versus operational efficiency

The need for alternative operational capabilities in the event of a disruption to normal business is often viewed as an expensive overhead. Mr Stuart Selden of FM Global explores how developing a risk-focussed understanding of a business can clearly bring business continuity objectives into alignment with its strategic goals.

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Thoughts on Diversity - Delivery not distribution: The risk of unintended consequence

Distribution and delivery are virtually used as synonyms in our industry. Mr Praveen Gupta of the Diversity Action Group at Chartered Insurance Institute (UK) noted that distribution dominates in terms of usage and application and wonders if it represents some form of diversity or diversion.

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Global News - Industry falls short in its response to reputational risk – Willis

Awhopping 95% of major corporations have suffered at least one major reputational crisis in the last 20 years, but less than 10% of these events are insurable, said Mr Phil Ellis, CEO of Willis Global Solutions Consulting Group, at a seminar on emerging risks in London.

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