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Diary Of Events

Source: Asia Insurance Review | Jun 2015

Global Insurance Forum
Theme: “Filling the protection gap”
14-17 June 2015, New York, US 
Join the industry event of the year, the Global Insurance Forum in New York City – the crossroads of the world. The programme will feature the industry’s most prominent global insurance thought leaders and experts, across all sectors, sharing their ideas and perspectives on the current and future insurance landscape. Topics to be covered include retirement and savings issues, risk pools for natural catastrophes and terrorism, environmental and pollution solutions, public-private partnerships, healthcare and microinsurance. 
   For more details, visit
Asia Liability Insurance Conference with Focus Session on Cyber
Theme: “Managing Increasing Liability Exposures”
22-23 June 2015, Singapore
With dedicated sessions on cyber threats and covers, this conference will bring together global and regional liability and cyber risk experts, and buyers of insurance to evaluate the current state of liability markets, understand the key challenges to the insurance industry in identifying and designing products, and discuss emerging risks.  
   For more information, visit
NIA-FAIR International Seminar on Reinsurance
Theme: “Reinsurance: The changing global landscape”
29-31 July 2015, NIA Campus, Pune
The 3-day event is jointly organized by the National Insurance Academy and FAIR and will address the changing global landscape in the Afro Asian region with special focus on the major regulatory changes, challenges and development of India as a major reinsurance hub in the region. 
   For more details, contact:
13th Conference on Catastrophe Insurance in Asia
Theme: “Managing the Rising CAT Exposures in Asia”
30 June-1 July 2015, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Asia as a region has experienced multiple perils from earthquakes, typhoons, to monsoon-related floods. The rise of urbanisation in Asia, the evolving risk landscape, plus unexpected disasters like floods and typhoons obliterated areas that were previously not prone to such catastrophic events have led key industry players to rethink better quality risk management measures, risk accumulation control and modelling as well as improve claims handling expertise. 
   This two-day conference is a MUST ATTEND for CAT underwriters, reinsurers, CAT modellers, risk managers, brokers as well as all involved in the dynamic and volatile CAT market today as the insurance industry MUST respond and find efficient risk coping strategies to meet the ever increasing new risks and demands for CAT covers.
   For more information, visit
   *Simultaneous Translation in Vietnamese/English will be provided.
Asia Insurance Conference on Employee Benefits
Theme: “Using Insurance as a Partner to Innovate Employee Benefits Schemes while Controlling Costs’’
27-28 July 2015, Singapore
In Asia, demand for employee health and benefits insurance is rising, driven by medical cost inflation and deteriorating claims experience. This EB conference with an insurance focus will cover the essentials of employee benefits while offering solutions on cost control through insurance coverages. It will provide insights into the trends of benefit programmes where employees are knowledge savvy and spoilt for choices, and where the EB market is headed. 
   For more information, visit
19th AIRDC Congress (formerly ICDC) 
Theme: “Long term Development in partnership with the Insurance Industry”
28-30 September 2015, Victoria, Seychelles 
The 19th AIRDC Congress, formerly known as the Insurance Congress of Developing Countries (ICDC) will be held from 28-30 September 2015, in Victoria, Seychelles. The AIRDC works to develop and expand international collaboration and cooperation in the insurance and reinsurance industry among its members, who are drawn from countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. 
   For more information, visit
Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers & Reinsurers (FAIR) 24th Conference
Theme: “Building on 50 Years of Regional Cooperation”
12-14 October 2015, Cairo, Egypt
FAIR celebrates its Golden Jubilee this year by holding its biennial conference in Egypt, where it was founded. FAIR conferences aim to promote cooperation among insurance and reinsurance companies in Africa and Asia, and typically attract hundreds of top executives and key decision makers from the industry to discuss the opportunities and challenges they face.
   For more information, visit
13th Singapore International Reinsurance Conference (SIRC)
Theme: “Managing Risks in an Uncertain World”
2-4 November 2015, Singapore
Rising to the demands and feedback from past conferences, the 13th SIRC will be structured to allow for an extra day of networking, wherein the Lloyd’s Coffee House and respective bilateral meeting rooms will be fully functional for three days from 2 November.
   The SIRC is considered to be the premier reinsurance event in Asia, drawing key decision makers and senior management executives within the insurance, reinsurance, broking and regulatory communities. The 12th SIRC had previously hosted some 940 delegates from 49 countries all over the world.
   For more information, visit
19th Asian Actuarial Conference (AAC)
Theme: “Innovation & Creating Sustainable Value”
3-6 November 2015, Bangkok, Thailand
The AAC, formerly known as East Asian Actuarial Conference (EAAC) is the largest annual actuarial conference in the region attracting more than 700 delegates from various countries within and outside Asia. The AAC member associations include Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Chinese Taipei and Thailand. 
   This year, the conference will be hosted by Thailand and will include topics designed to appeal to actuaries from different practice areas. 
   For more information, visit
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