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Feb 2025


Source: Asia Insurance Review | Mar 2018

Global Asia

6th Asia Insurance Brokers’ Summit
Theme: “The Digital Savvy Broker: Finding a Secure Sustainable Niche in the Future of Insurance”
13-14 March, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The role of brokers is often questioned in this digital era with InsurTech gaining ground, yet brokers remain indispensable and can entrench their role by exploiting technology to offer more value add. 
   The Brokers’ Summit, which features exhibits on technology, will look at cutting-edge strategies and highlight the areas where brokers can rise to reinforce their role in the value chain. 
Asia Conference on Healthcare and Health Insurance
Theme: “Health Insurance at the Crossroads: Leading the Market With Healthcare On Demand”
20-21 March, Singapore
In addition to discussions on the new frontiers covering genetics, wearables and digital healthcare, this year’s two-day conference will look at the latest developments in healthcare around the region and the world and how to transform from a traditional insurer to a connected health insurer.
World Takaful Conference
Theme: “Differentiation, Innovation & Profitable Growth”
9-10 April, Dubai
This is the 13th edition of the leading global forum for takaful. WTC serves as a platform to facilitate idea-sharing among industry leaders gathered from diverse parts of the world, ranging from key markets like the GCC and Southeast Asia to the emerging markets of Africa and Europe.
Asia Claims Convention 2018
Theme: “The Shifting Landscape of Insurance and Claims”
11-13 April, Bali, Indonesia
This comprehensive event will examine the challenges facing those in insurance claims and look at the best practices across the industry with a focus on Asia. The event will encompass a cocktail function, two-day convention and gala dinner.  
RIMS 2018
Theme: “Go Big”
15-18 April, San Antonio, Texas, USA
The RIMS 2018 Annual Conference & Exhibition is the premier event for the risk management community, drawing risk managers, senior executives, and others tasked with risk management responsibilities worldwide. This year’s four-day event is expected to draw more than 10,000 professionals from around the world.
Asia InsurTech Summit 2018
23-24 April, Singapore
InsurTech is now reality and it has set the industry ablaze. However, the fact remains that many insurers are still struggling to digitise their business and a key reason for much of the failure to move past proof of concepts is a lack of management buy-in and support. Insurers must face up to the need to be ahead in the digital journey and this Summit will be a step in the right direction.
GIA-IUMI 2018 Asia Forum
Theme: “Charting Asia’s Changing Tides”
24-25 April, Singapore
Organised by the General Insurance Association of Singapore (GIA), in association with the International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI), this forum is held in conjunction with the Singapore Maritime Week and is expected to host up to 200 local and global industry delegates from the insurance and maritime sectors.  
Marine International Insurance Conference 2018
2-3 May, Dubai, UAE
Organised by the Emirates Insurance Association in conjunction with Clyde & Co, this inaugural conference will provide discussion on the Middle East marine insurance market covering hull, cargo and related liabilities, pertinent to all stakeholders from ship and cargo owners to regulators, insurers and intermediaries.
ANZIIF InsurTech Conference 2018
3 May, Sydney, Australia
The emergence of new global tech players represents both a challenge and an opportunity for conventional insurance offerings. Is the industry ready for digital disruption? Following a capacity event in 2017, the 2018 InsurTech Conference will tackle these issues. 
29th East Asian Insurance Congress
Theme: “Managing Disruptions, Driving Change”
6-9 May, Manila, Philippines
The EAIC promises to present a different experience with the objective of not only tackling the current challenges of the day, but also offer solutions and strategic tips to cope with issues, guide industry players to emerge as winners, and provide for extensive networking opportunities for delegates. This EAIC will be different as it will be staged in the first half of the year instead of in the second half and will strive to draw more life market players in addition to non-life. It will also attempt to draw delegates beyond the 12 EAIC markets as well as young insurance professionals within the region. 
19th Asia Conference on Bancassurance and Alternative Distribution Channels
Theme: “Bancassurance in the World of Analytics, AI, Automation, FinTech & Digital Banking – Connected for Exponential Growth”
10-11 May, Manila, Philippines
In the new model for insurance distribution, channels and supply chains will co-exist with brands and within ecosystems not related to insurance and that makes growth potential boundless. What are the key strategies and steps for bancassurance to be successful? The two-day conference will address this and more. 
Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Asia Conference 2018
10-11 May 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
Organised by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFOA), the 4th Asia Conference offers a diverse selection of plenary sessions and cross-practice workshops and is the perfect opportunity to discover and discuss current and developing actuarial topics and trends in Asia, whilst providing excellent opportunity to grow your network of contacts.
PARIMA Bangkok Conference 2018
Theme: “Preparing for 4.0”
22 May, Bangkok, Thailand
Join the PARIMA Bangkok Conference to meet key industry players, learn the latest industry trends and network with peers, all in one place. The conference will be preceded by five masterclasses on 21 May. It is free for PARIMA members.
IIS Global Insurance Forum
8-11 July, Berlin, Germany
Join the diverse delegation of 500+ global insurance executives, regulators, academics and policymakers from all sectors of the industry at the International Insurance Society’s annual Global Insurance Forum. This premier global conference features prominent thought leaders sharing their views on key issues which will shape the future of the industry.
2018 LIMRA & LOMA Strategic Issues Conference 
16-18 September, Bali, Indonesia
Held every other year, this elite conference is the organisers’ flagship event in Asia, attended by over 120 CEOs and top senior executives at financial services and life insurance companies doing business throughout the Asia-Pacific Region.
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