News Non-Life16 Jul 2024

Australia:QBE focused on improving claims support following lessons from 2022 floods

| 16 Jul 2024

QBE Insurance, one of the world's top 20 general insurance and reinsurance companies, is focused on improving its claims support for customers amid recent severe weather events, drawing from insights gained following the 2022 east coast floods.

Seeking to improve claims handling capabilities, QBE has a number of initiatives underway with a key focus on addressing delays, improving communication, and uplifting risk management, the company said in a statement.

QBE head of property claims Chad Vigar said that by listening to customers and learning from past experiences, QBE can deliver tangible improvements that benefit policyholders and the wider community.

Property Health Check Programme

QBE has introduced a Property Health Check Programme, designed to help triage a small number of complex property claims that may require more active intervention to progress.

The programme involves a dedicated team of experts – including trade-qualified personnel and supply relationship managers from QBE – who visit certain impacted properties to conduct thorough assessments from both technical and customer perspectives.

QBE head of property supply chain Dean Pracy said, “We have conducted around 50 checks since April and while this represents a very small percentage of our claims, the programme has provided valuable insights for our overall claims experience – such as feedback on third-party providers.”

Allowing for a regular 360-degree approach in communications, the programme covers all components of the claim – the supplier, the customer, and QBE’s claims team.

To prioritise claims, the programme has also implemented a selection criteria and management system aimed at identifying and addressing claims and claim types based on the most urgent needs, with particular attention given to customers in temporary accommodation, or those experiencing significant losses.

Mr Pracy said, “Reflecting on the 2022 floods, we know that some claims can be particularly complex or hit obstacles that are preventing the claim from progressing. These claims can often be prolonged beyond normal expectations, and we are keen to understand why.”

Geospatial technology

In a successful Australian pilot, QBE recently harnessed technology utilising geospatial technology to improve the claims experience for commercial customers impacted by Tropical Cyclone Jasper in December 2023.

During the pilot, QBE commercial customers impacted by potential flood water were triaged using the technology, minimising the need for hydrology reports, and helping to avoid delays.

Mr Vigar said, “Having access to geospatial data allowed us to respond more effectively on certain claims. We were able to assess the impacts immediately, enabling us to progress certain claims straight away, rather than having to wait for hydrologist reports.

Our supply chain team could assess in real-time what resources and trades would be needed to respond effectively and carry out prompt repairs, which ultimately helped us get our customers back on their feet quicker than ever before.” 

Communications collateral

Understanding how important communications are following severe weather events, QBE has introduced on-the-ground collateral to refresh how it is supporting customers in these critical moments.

This includes customer flyers that explain and simplify key insurance terms and the role of certain suppliers they may be dealing with. Process maps have also been developed to aid understanding of the claims process.

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