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Your search for Devil's Advocate returned 13 results

  • Insurance Dog and Pony Show

    ...To go by the headlines, it would be easy to imagine that China was rapidly emerging as the top canine in the Insurance Dog and Pony Show....

    Source : AIRPlus | 10 Jul 2019
  • A change in mind-set is needed

    ...Insurance has been accused of being old-fashioned, traditional and risk averse. Despite attempts over the last few years to go digital with big data and analytics, AI and whatever else there is, that statement still applies....

    Source : AIRPlus | 21 May 2019
  • The unreal truth about cyber risk

    ...Talk of cyber risk has morphed in recent times into a truth that has more in common with urban legend than hard fact:...

    Source : AIRPlus | 13 May 2019
  • The myth of the protection gap

    ...Very early on in the piece, when a student is beginning a study of economics, they will come across the concept of the equilibrium between supply and demand. It's what helps the market set prices....

    Source : AIRPlus | 21 Dec 2018
  • Old people, bus passes

    ...All around the world people are living longer. People in developed countries are living longest of all. But the overall improvement in life expectancy is not matched by an improvement in overall health....

    Source : AIRPlus | 16 Jul 2018
  • The industry needs whistleblowers

    ...A whistleblower age has to be ushered in around the world and across organisations. Laws have been passed and companies have formulated their whistleblower policies. Until now consumers and the public have put their faith in auditors, boards, regulators, stock exchanges and enforcement authorities....

    Source : AIRPlus | 16 May 2018
  • Amazon Insurance

    ...Is it the worst kept secret of recent years? Or is the suggestion that the world's biggest ecommerce platform is about to move to disrupt the insurance sector just talk?...

    Source : AIRPlus | 02 May 2018
  • The ideal size for an agency force - pipe dream or achievable reality?

    ...How many insurance agents is enough to serve a market and close the protection gap?...

    Source : AIRPlus | 27 Apr 2018
  • Let's face it

    ...A recent report by the South China Morning Post that featured Ping An's deputy group chief executive revealed that the Chinese insurer, like many financial services institutions, is using face recognition to combat fraud....

    Source : AIRPlus | 11 Apr 2018
  • A robot will take your job

    ...Artificial intelligence and autonomous machines are the talk of the town and they bring us back to a conversation we have had since the industrial revolution - machines taking the place of humans in the workplace....

    Source : AIRPlus | 09 Apr 2018
  • Anbang Thank You Ma'am

    ...If a kid from a poor family gets his bike stolen, it's tough luck. A rich kid just gets his parents to buy an even better bike. It must be great to have rich parents....

    Source : AIRPlus | 06 Apr 2018
  • Commonwealth Bank takes out the trash

    ...Fans of the TV show West Wing will remember the episode called "Take Out the Trash Day". The episode focused on the White House's Friday night briefing for Saturday's newspapers, nicknamed "take out the trash day" because staff dumped all the stories the White House didn't want covered in the media and because Saturday's newspaper is the least read edition of the week....

    Source : AIRPlus | 05 Apr 2018
  • InsurTech déjà vu

    ...For insurance professionals old enough to remember the dotcom boom, the rise of InsurTechs might look a little familiar....

    Source : AIRPlus | 05 Apr 2018

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