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Your search for White Papers returned 50 results

  • Singapore: MAS-led consortium publishes assessment methodologies for responsible use of AI

    ...white papers were published by the Veritas Consortium, comprising 27 industry players, including insurers and reinsurers. The white papers provide: a comprehens...

    Source : eDaily | 07 Feb 2022
  • Nearly 70% of female insurance agents say they gain satisfaction from their work

    ...white papers on "Female Health and Risk Management" and "Female Retirement Risk Management," this year's research focuses on career options and the opportunities and challenge...

    Source : eCin | 05 Nov 2021
  • Egypt: Call for entries to 3rd "Spreading Precious Ideas" Competition

    ...white paper. Charts and Citations : Charts and graphs should be “stylised”; that is, exhibits should be developed, formatted, and inserted int...

    Source : MiddleEast | 17 Jun 2021
  • 2021 countdown underway: Insurers prepare for IFRS 17 implementation'

    ...This report is the third in a series written by the Economist Intelligence Unit on behalf of Deloitte. It tracks the global insurance industry's progression towards the adoption of IFRS 17. Findings of this latest research are based on the responses of 340 insurance executives from global insurers, located across the UK, US, Canada, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, Switzerland, Spain, China, South Korea, and the Netherlands....

    Source : AIRPlus | 19 Jul 2018
  • 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey

    ...The Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey was launched in 2014 with the goal of exploring well-being perceptions and concerns across five key areas of well-being - physical, family, social, financial and work. This year's survey is Cigna's most global yet, talking to nearly 14,500 people in 23 markets around the world....

    Source : AIRPlus | 10 Jul 2018
  • Global M&A Insurance Index 2017

    ...This report examines M&A insurance activity during 2016 and discuss predictions for 2017. The findings are based upon deals completed by JLT Specialty's global M&A team in 2016. This year, the paper includes additional insight into the US market, after the first full year of activity by JLT's US M&A team....

    Source : AIRPlus | 02 Jul 2018
  • Telematics: Poised for strong global growth - McKinsey

    ...Published in April 2018, Telematics: Poised for Strong Global Growth touches on an expanding array of telematics devices and services. It says the sector has reached a tipping point as regulation-driven increase and focused government mandates, will help the technology break. To achieve expected use levels, it needs to enforce standards that enable cross-platform inter-operability....

    Source : AIRPlus | 02 Jul 2018
  • The KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2017

    ...The KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2017 published in October 2017 found that almost three quarters (72 percent) of large and mid-cap companies worldwide do not acknowledge the financial risks of climate change in their annual financial reports. Of the minority that do acknowledge climate-related risk, less than one in 20 (4 percent) provides investors with analysis of the potential business value at risk. The survey studied annual financial reports and corporate responsibility reports from the top 100 companies by revenue in each of the 49 countries included in the survey. Hence, a total of 4,900 companies were surveyed in the survey....

    Source : AIRPlus | 02 Jul 2018
  • Insurance Horizons 2018 - Hogan Lovells

    ...Hogan Lovells' Insurance Horizons 2018 brochure, as it is termed as, considers the impact of technology, interest rates, protectionism, excess capacity in the reinsurance market and cyber risks. It also looks in detail at M&A in the insurance industry, sanctions and insurtech in Asia and provides a focus on the development of microinsurance....

    Source : AIRPlus | 02 Jul 2018
  • KPMG Survey of Corporate Rresponsibility Reporting 2017

    ...Three quarters of companies worldwide are yet to acknowledge climate change as a financial risk. The survey included the 100 top companies, each in various fields, from 49 countries. Only five countries have most companies acknowledging climate-related risks in their financial reports....

    Source : AIRPlus | 27 Jun 2018
  • Got it covered? Insurance in a changing climate

    ...AODP rates and ranks the world's largest institutional investors and assesses their response to climate-related risks and opportunities. The ratings are made public, providing much-needed transparency for beneficiaries, clients, investors and stakeholders, and emphasised through advocacy and direct engagement to drive change....

    Source : AIRPlus | 11 Jun 2018
  • World Insurance Report 2018 - Capgemini and Efma

    ...The World Insurance Report 2018 from Capgemini and Efma highlights the need for insurers to have digital agility, cater to customer demands and create future-ready operating models to stay ahead of the competition from InsurTech companies. The report also explores ways in which insurers can deftly respond to the market shift and growing customer expectation....

    Source : AIRPlus | 06 Jun 2018
  • Insurance regulators in an era of advanced technologies

    ...The Insurance Regulator Technology Adoption Survey was conducted in late August/early September 2017 by the Deloitte Centre for Financial Services and published in February 2018. All 56-member jurisdictions of the NAIC were invited to participate in the online survey. Respondents to the survey represented 28-member jurisdictions of the NAIC....

    Source : AIRPlus | 06 Jun 2018
  • Mutual and Cooperative Microinsurance in the Philippines: A Landscape Study

    ...This report is part of the ICMIF 5-5-5 Mutual Microinsurance Strategy. The 5-5-5 Strategy aims to provide mutual microinsurance solutions to 5 million low-income households, in five emerging markets over the next five years. The Philippines is one of the five selected countries (along with Colombia, India, Kenya and Sri Lanka), and this country diagnostic study highlights the potential role that mutual microinsurance can play in closing the protection gap in the Philippines....

    Source : AIRPlus | 21 May 2018
  • Internet of Things: Building Cyber Resilience in a Connected World

    ...Marsh explores how smart devices are introducing or increasing cyber risk for businesses that design, manufacture, service or use IoT products....

    Source : AIRPlus | 18 May 2018
  • Regulation 2030

    ...This paper by KPMG seeks to examine how financial regulation might develop over the next 10 years, focusing on whether regulation will push forward or be pushed back; the regulatory response to FinTech/InsurTech; the increasing use of regulation to deliver social objectives; and questions society must address....

    Source : AIRPlus | 18 May 2018
  • Insurance requirements of the Indian logistics and warehousing industry

    ...An exploratory study initiated by Transport Corporation of India as a joint study with the Insurance Institute of India to evaluate the insurance requirements of the Indian logistics and warehousing industry and their customers, from an in-country cum multi-modal operations point of view and to indicate possible solutions....

    Source : AIRPlus | 14 May 2018
  • Insurance 2030-The impact of AI on the future of insurance

    ...The industry is on the verge of a seismic, tech-driven shift. A focus on four areas can position carriers to embrace this change....

    Source : AIRPlus | 14 May 2018
  • Verizon 2018 Data Breach Investigations Report

    ...Now in its 11th year, the Verizon 2018 Data Breach Investigations Report leverages collective data from 67 organisations across the world and includes analysis on 53,000 incidents and over 2,200 breaches from 65 countries....

    Source : AIRPlus | 19 Apr 2018
  • The Internet of Things in insurance - EY

    ...Explores the processes, functions and areas where IoT could have the biggest business impact. The report also discusses risk management and the operationalization and monetisation of IoT data....

    Source : AIRPlus | 13 Apr 2018
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning in financial services - FSB

    ...This report considers the financial stability implications of the growing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in financial services....

    Source : AIRPlus | 13 Apr 2018
  • Global Consumer Survey 2017 - ReMark

    ...Global trends in the life insurance industry...

    Source : AIRPlus | 13 Apr 2018
  • The Rise of Insurtech - Accenture

    ...Insurers are increasingly recognising that InsurTech represents more of an opportunity than a threat....

    Source : AIRPlus | 13 Apr 2018
  • India: Modi outlines 10 point agenda for disaster risk reduction

    ...All development sectors must imbibe the principles of disaster risk management. The region must ensure that the...

    Source : ARM | 09 Nov 2016
  • LAMP Asia: Value of field leaders critical to success of industry

    ...white papers – are provided in easy to digest and applicable pieces to help members learn quickly, on-the-go, and on topics that are of importance to them,” she said. It is planned for ro...

    Source : AIR | Oct 2016
  • Asian News - Australia: Actuaries Institute to spearhead data analytics

    ...white papers focussing on topics such as data analytics, insurance, banking, and housing wealth. It will focus too on sustainability, the relevance of the profession and the role the Institute plays...

    Source : AIR | Mar 2016
  • Australia: Actuaries Institute to spearhead data analytics

    ...white papers focussing on topics such as data analytics, insurance, banking, and housing wealth. “The Institute will also build on the substantial work of my predecessor, Estelle Pearso...

    Source : eDaily | 11 Feb 2016
  • Cover Story: Reinsurance Focus - Reinsurance roundtable: Being clever in dealing with change

    ...white papers, compared to elsewhere in Asia where regulations suddenly appear overnight and completely change the face of the industry.       And those two...

    Source : AIR | Nov 2015
  • Liberalisation of the industry whilst raising the bar - Is this a paradox?

    ...The proposed LIFE Framework – as mentioned above, this allows greater flexibility for insurance companies in managing expenses and remuneration of distributors; with th...

    Source : AIR | Mar 2015
  • An insurance surge needed to promote rapid growth

    ...Liability loss exposures 2. Income loss exposures 3....

    Source : AIR | Jan 2015
  • Insurability of cyber risk

    ...Development of frequency and severity of losses: for the development of cyber risks over time, we find the number of incidents before the year 2000 to be rela...

    Source : AIR | Dec 2014
  • IRFRC: Mortality Trends in Asia-Pacific (1950-2012)

    ...To deliver a comprehensive mortality database for the Asia Pacific (APAC) region 2. To identify common...

    Source : AIR | Oct 2014
  • Regulations: Building on the legacy

    ...Protecting the rights of insurance policyholders and beneficiaries, and monitoring the solvency of insurance companies to ensure adequate coverage to help protect these right...

    Source : MEIR | Oct 2014
  • Healthcare: Do health insurance premiums require control?

    ...That premiums must be regulated to ensure that a just system operates, such that individuals can obtain health care insurance whilst not being penalised for poor health statu...

    Source : MEIR | Oct 2014
  • What more can the insurance industry do for NAT CATs? - Achieving the ideal CAT solution: It takes two to tango

    ...Develop risk information and modelling systems for ASEAN governments to assess the economic and fiscal impact of natural disasters and include those risks in overall fiscal...

    Source : AIR | Jul 2014
  • Swiss and US winners for 2014 Shin Research Excellence Award

    ...Christian Biener, Project Manager and Research Assistant, Institute of Insurance Economics at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland  •...

    Source : AIR | May 2014
  • Diary of events

    ...  2nd MENA Rendezvous Theme: “Creating a New Era for Reinsurance in MENA”...

    Source : AIR | Sep 2013
  • Diary of events

    ...  2nd MENA Rendezvous Theme: “Creating a New Era for Reinsurance in MENA”...

    Source : AIR | Aug 2013
  • Diary of events

    ...  1st Asia Agriculture Insurance Conference Theme: “Sowing the Seeds for Risk Free Business in Fa...

    Source : AIR | Jul 2013
  • Diary of events

    ...  1st Asia Agriculture Insurance Conference Theme: “Sowing the Seeds for Risk Free Business in Fa...

    Source : AIR | Jun 2013
  • Diary of Events

    ...  26th Pacific Insurance Conference Theme: “Winning Strategies for the Next Generation”...

    Source : AIR | Apr 2013
  • Playing to win amid changing rules

    ...Revised ICPs were adopted in October 2011 and since then, many insurance regulators have spoken about reform agendas that seek to capture and align themselves with the IAIS s...

    Source : MEIR | Mar 2013
  • Maintaining market stability

    ...white papers will be prepared. These will focus on the solvency capital requirements, market discipline (regulatory reporting and financial reporting), upgraded EWS indicators, the new supervisory re...

    Source : MEIR | Oct 2012
  • Risk Management Feature - Food for thought

    ...white papers on supply chain risk issues and generic presentation templates to develop the impactful message for C-suite audiences. Establishing-phase companies...

    Source : AIR | Jun 2011
  • Special Feature: Enterprise Risk Management -The financial crisis: An opportunity for ERM?

    ...white paper, “A Wake-up Call for Enterprise Risk Management” (February 2009), RIMS advocated that “a closer look reveals that these issues didn’t arise from a failure of risk...

    Source : MEIR | Jul 2009
  • Think Tank - The Geneva Association: Accounting and Solvency Convergence - Dream or Reality?

    ...white space. The IAIS has, however, stepped into this arena and has been working since 2004 on a set of papers that will form the framework for a comprehensive set of international standards on solve...

    Source : AIR | Dec 2007
  • Technical Feature - IFRIMA: Promoting Risk Management Discipline to All

    ...White Papers To help promote risk management around the world and in Asia, IFRIMA has issued white papers on topics of interest to risk managers around the world. Ms Meltzer said t...

    Source : AIR | Sep 2006
  • Think Tank - The Geneva Association: Solving The Pensions Puzzle

    ...Whitehouse, Director of Research on Work and Social Affairs, OECD, Paris, examine if there is such a thing as a perfect pension system, and how the OECD is helping governments with resear...

    Source : AIR | Aug 2006
  • Think Tank: The Geneva Association - Forces Shaping The Future Of The Insurance Industry: Championing Self-Regulation & Expanding Role Of CROs

    ...white-hot lights of public scrutiny. Championing Self Regulation There h...

    Source : AIR | May 2006
  • Asian News - Asia: ERC Aims For Unsurpassed Customer Service

    ...white papers and presentations to share with the world of risk management. The Institute is launching a series of dynamic seminars and learning events on strategic insurance and reinsuran...

    Source : AIR | Jul 2004

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