Disruption, Technology, Innovation, Smart World. Going Digital! InsurTech start-ups! Internet of Things or even the chic IoT. These are the current buzzwords that CEOs must come to terms with and get ahead of.
The relevance of insurance is being questioned at all angles though we in the industry know that nothing moves without insurance in society at the individual level and in the economy at the corporate level.
This 17th Asia CEO Insurance Summit will be about getting insurance CEOs to get ahead of the dynamic technology and disruptive changes that is changing the industry on its heels. It is mindboggling if not head-spinning. This Summit will bring you order and help you organise the disruptive and innovative chaos around you. There can be a strategy to this madness to make you a winner despite the geopolitical and economic uncertainties. Organised Chaos will be the game changer! So jump on the CEO Summit wagon as no company can any longer stay on the same old, same old course. The CEOs’ primary duty is to stay relevant and get ahead of change to stoke the bottom line or become redundant!
The 17th Asia CEO Insurance Summit, co-organised by Asia Insurance Review and the Geneva Association, the global think tank, will give you strategic tips on staying alive, increasing your relevance to customers and being a game changer in the market. With Uber being a household word, Gen Y leads the day even in business at a hectic pace. How are you coping with the business landscape? Is your board aware of the breakneck speed of change in insurance? What should be the NEW CEO Agenda and the new deal for you? It is time to take on this challenge, and step out of your comfort zone just to survive.
And for this year we will have several Executive Panels including CEO Winners as well as regulators to sharpen the dialogue between the two groups to get the much-needed order back into the insurance industry.
The Asia CEO Insurance Summit launched in 2001 by Asia Insurance Review together with the global think-tank of the insurance industry, The Geneva Association, and the IAIS, was aimed at giving CEOs and regulators in Asia a much-needed platform to meet and discuss hot issues of the day in the pursuit to become World Class players. Over the 16 years, this need has become even more critical and the Asia CEO Insurance Summit has become the premier event for regulators and CEOs from domestic, regional and global companies. Some 2650 delegates have come under the arches of the Asia CEO Summit series as we typically get between 150 to 250 delegates for each Summit.