5th Asia Marine Insurance Conference

20-21 Nov 2017, Renaissance Harbour View Hotel, Hong Kong

Theme: "Finding Anchorage in the Perfect Storm"

(Co-organised with HKFI as part of Hong Kong Maritime Week 2017)

With the globalisation questions, the drama of the Hanjin’s bankruptcy, the challenges faced by several major liners, as well as the diversification and M&A in the shipping community, the marine world is being tempest-tossed as they say. And the bold new initiative of “One Belt One Road” and the melting Arctic ice are causing great excitement in global transport. There is a buzz of anxiety and hope tugging away as the old world routes are being swept aside.

The marine insurance industry, despite its emphasis on risk management and sustainability as well as track record in managing risks, is also facing tremendous winds of change. While the growth opportunities shine in the era of digital disruption and technological innovation, they come embedded with increased piracy, terrorism and hijacking, raging cyber threats and crimes, shortage of human expertise as well as tough market conditions of decreasing world tonnage and falling rates. Hence we have set our theme for the 2017 Asia Marine Insurance Conference as “Finding Anchorage in the Perfect Storm”. 

The 2-day Conference will provide the premium peer networking and dialogue event for ship owners, ship managers, underwriters and all the stakeholders in the maritime industry to come together to discuss the common threats and issues and find sustainable solutions of mutual interest to insurers and the maritime community. This year’s panel discussions and expert presentations will provide insightful updates on Cargo, Hull and P&I including:

• Latest evolving, emerging risks in an innovative era
• Maritime and marine insurance regulations and insurance implications
• Are insurers keeping pace with technology
• Real challenges in marine underwriting: Pricing/Salvage and claims
• Focus on large vessels and complex projects
• Major incidents’ insurance updates, legal case studies and more
• What’s in store for Asia’s shippers, tankers, and other maritime stakeholders
• Creating marine insurance hubs

Plus, Two Dynamic Panels on ‘OBOR’ (One Belt One Road) and ‘Arctic Shipping: Navigating the Risks and Opportunities’!

Past Featured Speakers

P L Chan

Deputy Chairman, The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI)

Frank Chan

Secretary for Transport and Housing, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Peter C H Tam

Chief Executive, The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI)

Dieter Berg

President, International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI), Germany

Lars Lange

Secretary General, International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI)

Past Events

  • "Well organized and professionally done, covering interesting aspects on Marine insurance. "

    - Francis Ngai, Head of Claims Department, Sompo Insurance (Hong Kong) Co, Ltd

  • "High level candidates, wide range of topics, good balance."

    - Graeme Temple, Regional Director - Far East, Braemar Salvage Association

  • "Brilliant conference with insightful knowledge from experts."

    - Poh Huey Min, Assistant Manager, QBE Insurance International Limited

  • "The program is highly enlightening and selection of speakers is very good."

    - S S Varma, Vice President - Operations, Trust Energy Resources Pte Ltd

Speaking Opportunities

AIR gives new & returning speakers an opportunity to share their knowledge and experience.

For more information, send an email to speakers@asiainsurancereview.com