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Sep 2024

Market Profile

Hong Kong

Hong Kong's RBC regime signals a new era

Asia Insurance Review caught up with Insurance Authority’s Mr Clement Cheung to talk about re-domiciliation and the new risk-based capital regime for Hong Kong.

Life insurance: Promising and positive performance

Life insurance in Hong Kong continued to show credible growth in 2023, which has carried through into 2024. A supportive regulator and the growing band of customers from mainland China have played a major role in this story.

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Hong Kong citizens struggling with living expenses

While Hong Kong’s economy and insurance industry are in a state of recovery and growth, the people of Hong Kong are not doing as well.

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Cyber attacks on Hong Kong regulator, insurers and agencies

As cyber attacks on Hong Kong’s insurance industry grow more sophisticated year-on-year, risk increases.

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Nat CAT concerns remain among general insurers in Hong Kong

The general insurance industry in Hong Kong is projected to grow by 5.5% in 2024 and 2025. The growth will be supported by major insurance lines such as personal accident and health liability, and property.

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Hong Kong reinsurance market builds on underwriting discipline

The tightening of reinsurance rates and terms along with a renewed focus on underwriting discipline has ensured that the sector in Hong Kong stays strong and competitive.

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What new regulations and developments mean for Hong Kong

This year, Hong Kong’s Insurance Authority updated regulation and issued a circular protecting insurance buyers from mainland China.

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