
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Jun 2019


Value growth not volume growth

What everyone knows, but not everyone understands, is that insurance in China is done on a different scale. A visit to the Ping An Financial Centre drives the message home. 

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China's insurance market: Go big or go home?

China’s insurance industry is dominated by a few large groups controlling over 80% of market share. How can small and medium firms hope to compete and grow?

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Chinese non-life insurers face underwriting pressure, investment volatility

A.M. Best’s director, analytics (Asia Pacific) Christie Lee provides a roundup of the latest developments in the Chinese insurance market. 

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Top 6 insurers command 90% of life sector's aggregate net profits

China’s six most profitable insurers last year commanded a combined net profit of CNY129.6bn, which represented 89.57% of the life sector’s aggregate net gains for the year.

Next phase of C-ROSS will see stricter capital requirements

The next phase of the China Risk Oriented Solvency System, which would be C-ROSS Phase II, will introduce tighter requirements such as the expansion of look-through analysis to more asset classes. The changes will narrow the gaps between C-ROSS and Solvency II in Europe, says Moody’s Investor Service in a recent report.