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Source: Asia Insurance Review | Sep 2017

6th Asia Insurance CIO Technology Summit
Theme: “CIOs as Drivers of Growth in an InsurTech Era”
4-5 September, Singapore
Startups eager to disrupt the industry and technology have taken centre-stage. CIOs must adopt a more proactive approach to the changing technology landscape. 
   This year’s Summit will discuss the challenges CIOs face and what the future looks like for them.

4th Asia Agriculture Insurance Conference
Theme: “Smart & Innovative Solutions for a Resilient Future”
6-7 September, Singapore
Agriculture is booming and farming has taken on new forms with R&D, cost-effective business models and new distribution channels. This conference will examine how the insurance industry and its stakeholders can meet the demands for agriculture cover today. 

The SOA Predictive Analytics Seminar
8 September, Seoul, South Korea
This conference, organised by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) in South Korea, will address predictive analytics in life insurance, advanced analytics for insurance distribution and Big Data analytics and modelling dynamic policyholder behaviour using predictive models. 

Les Rendez-Vous de Septembre
9-14 September, Monte Carlo, Monaco
This international congress, which allows for discussion of reinsurance issues, marks the beginning of the annual negotiation process prior to renewals. This 61st edition’s official cocktail, hosted by the Rendez-vous association and Monaco government, will be held on 11 September. 

International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) 2017 Tokyo Conference
Theme: “Disruptive Times – Opportunity or Threat for Marine Insurers?”
17-20 September, Tokyo, Japan
This year’s conference will be held in Tokyo for the fifth time, and also marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the General Insurance Association of Japan. The conference will look at disruptive issues in the sector. 

13th Asia Conference on Pensions and Retirement Planning
Theme: “Making Pensions SMART: Sustainable. Meaty. Appropriate. Responsive. Timely.”
18-19 September, Singapore
This two-day conference will look at the latest pension reforms and renewals, as well as health and wealth management solutions and strategies for a successful retirement and sustainable pensions.

The Takaful Rendezvous 2017
Theme: “Takaful 2.0: Soar to Greater Heights”
20-21 September, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
With digital making strong inroads into traditional insurance, even takaful has to rethink its business and operating models. This conference will look at how proper adoption of InsurTech and digital technology will allow takaful to grow.

AICLA/ANZIIF 11th Claims Convention (CC17)
Theme: “The Art of Claims – Maintaining Customer Focus”
21 September, Sydney, Australia
This collaboration between the Australian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjuster (AICLA) and the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) is the leading insurance claims event in Australasia. Topics addressed include customers and social media in claims, Big Data and analytics. 

Dive In – The Festival for Diversity & Inclusion in Insurance
26-28 September, Singapore
Lloyd’s, along with industry partners including RPC Law, Eliot Partnership, Allied World, Aon, WiRE (Women in Reinsurance), Marsh, XL Catlin, IAG, Willis Towers Watson and Zurich are coming together to host Dive In Festival – the insurance sector’s only global Diversity and Inclusion Festival.
   This is the second year it is being hosted in Singapore this year. There are five events happening at various locations, covering themes of Disability, Gender, Generational Diversity, Diversity of Skills and Work-life Balance. 

Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers & Reinsurers (FAIR) 25th Conference
Theme: “Insurance Transformation in FAIR-Land
9-11 October, Manama, Bahrain
This is the 25th edition of FAIR’s biennial conference. FAIR conferences aim to promote cooperation among (re)insurance companies in Asia and Africa, and typically attract hundreds of top executives and key decision-makers from the industry to discuss the opportunities and challenges they face.

23rd Indonesia Rendezvous
Theme: “Reforming the Fight against Fraud in Insurance Industry”
11-14 October, Bali, Indonesia
The 23rd Indonesia Rendezvous will be focusing on issues related to fraud, what actions need to be taken by the industry, what role can be played by the authority and how the risk of fraud can be minimised with the assistance of technology. 

Singapore Actuarial Society 4th Health and Retirement Conference 2017
Theme: “Personalised Planning – One Size Does Not Fit All”
12-13 October, Singapore
The diversity of retirement and healthcare needs is pushing the industry to look for multi-disciplinary ideas and solutions. This conference aims to take forward these discussions with a focus on personalised medicine revolution.

Asia Pacific Insurance Conference 2017
18-20 October, Singapore
Run under the auspices of AIDA, the International Insurance Law Association, the inaugural Asia Pacific Insurance Conference 2017’s programme begins with AIDA working party meetings on climate and catastrophe; insurance law; reinsurance; ADR; personal insurance and pensions; insurance distribution; motor; marine; and state supervision.
   The programme includes keynote speakers from insurance and legal sectors – thought leaders who will discuss topical issues that are vital to the future of the insurance industry across the Asia Pacific region.

FT Asia Insurance Summit 2017
Theme: “Digitisation, Dynamism, Demand: Embedding Resilience across the Region”
19 October, Hong Kong
Is Asia pioneering insurance innovation globally? The FT Asia Insurance Summit 2017 will discuss how the year ahead will prove pivotal for growth, penetration and innovation in Asia. 

14th Singapore International Reinsurance Conference 
Theme: “New Partnerships in Reinsurance”
31 October – 2 November, Singapore
The 14th SIRC will have Mr Ulrich Wallin, Chairman & CEO of Hannover Re, making his maiden appearance as the conference keynote speaker. The event will provide three days of high-level networking and cooperation opportunities, with the Lloyd’s Coffee House acting as the integral core of the event, where all interested parties meet under one roof. 

The Digital Insurer Annual Conference 2017
2 November, Singapore
This one-day event brings the insurance community in Asia together to look at the future of insurance. Besides presentations and discussions, it will feature technology and insurance innovation showcases, with The Digital Insurer awards to be held on the same day. Live streaming enables remote attendance for this conference, which counts speakers from insurers, innovation labs, technology companies and startups. 

IAIS Annual Conference 2017
Theme: “Insurance Supervision: Looking Beyond…”
2-3 November, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This year, the IAIS annual conference’s theme reflects on the possibilities that lie ahead for insurers and regulators – such as those that lie beyond the status quo, beyond national boundaries, beyond the present and beyond conventional insurance. 

LIMRA-KIRI Insurance Conference
Theme: “Inventing the Future of Insurance”
7-8 November, Seoul, South Korea
This conference is designed for those who want the inside track on success models in the technological revolution; to learn from local, regional and global case studies and best practices; to know the latest developments in health care trends; retirement research; product innovation and distribution advancements. 

PARIMA Singapore 2017
Theme: “Sustainable, Resilient & Intelligent Future”
14 November, Singapore
This one-day conference is a platform for risk managers to hear from key insurance industry players, learn the latest industry trends and network with fellow counterparts. Featuring over 30 speakers, six insightful educational sessions and networking opportunities, it is free for PARIMA members and risk managers. 

 28th Pacific Insurance Conference
19-22 November, Hong Kong 
As one of the world’s largest insurance conferences, the PIC serves to enable executives who engage in life, health, retirement savings and wealth management business in the Pacific Rim to exchange information and gain an insight into issues concerning future business and economic development in the 21st century.

5th Asia Marine Insurance Conference
Theme: “Finding Anchorage in the Perfect Storm”
20-21 November, Hong Kong
Co-organised with the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers as part of Hong Kong Maritime Week 2017, this 2-day conference will address the tempest-tossed marine world. It will feature sessions addressing the maritime opportunities and risks for Asia from China’s bold Belt and Road project and the melting Arctic ice with its increasingly popular Northern Sea Route transit. The conference is for all cargo, hull and P&I stakeholders.

5th Asia Investment Management Summit for Insurance
Theme: “Insuring an Auspicious Start to the Winning Side of 2018”
30 November-1 December, Hong Kong
This conference offers insurance investment managers, CIOs, CEOs, CFOs, fund managers and investment bankers a head start in understanding the likely investment climate in 2018 and provides expert insights into the latest developments and trends that can affect the fortunes of insurers and fund managers.
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