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Jul 2015

Risk Management News

Reputation risk - The risk of risks

Listed corporations face an 85% likelihood of experiencing a significant corporate crisis in any five-year interval, according to a research by Oxford Metrica. And in today's highly connected world, a crisis can quickly impair the reputation of an organisation, as revealed in a recent seminar tackling the issues around reputation risk.

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Access to Big Data becoming easier with technology - Marsh

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Shipping sector needs to be more vigilant to cyber threats

The marine industry has a "soft underbelly" with regard to cyber security and companies need to ensure that its cyber risks are being properly managed, said Clyde & Co during its Asia Pacific Marine Insurance Conference in Singapore recently.

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Call for regional initiative to mitigate pandemic risk

A regional initiative to help improve veterinarian surveillance in developing countries could help mitigate pandemic risk in Singapore. This suggestion was proposed at a panel on pandemic risk on 15 May, during the 42nd General Assembly of The Geneva Association held in Singapore.

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EY in strategic alliance with Risk Management Institution of Australasia

EY and the Risk Management Institution of Australasia (RMIA) have formed a strategic alliance, which will see EY become the strategic sponsor of RMIA's RISK2020 initiative. Launched in January 2015, RISK2020 is a five-year programme to substantially improve the quality and understanding of risk management in Australia by 2020.

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