
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Mar 2022


Life & health

Insurers get elderly friendly in China

Insurers in China are taking care to keep their ageing customers in good humour and are also ensuring that the ageing population does not adversely impact their risk pools.

Ageing population is an asset for insurers

Insurers have been innovative and treat the silver generation as an asset and serve them well, initial hiccoughs due to digitalisation and going online notwithstanding.

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Serving the underserved: Health insurance for the silver generation

The size of China’s silver generation accounts for 18.7% of the total population, which is up nearly 5.5 percentage points since the previous national census was undertaken in 2010.


Using digital business models to close protection gaps

A general lack of awareness of insurance and an underserved segment of consumers are some of the challenges faced by InsurTech firms in Malaysia.

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Contingency insurance in Asia

Planning for events has always been a risky business and many in the emerging Asian live entertainment market have been slow to recognise the value of protecting against cancellation and other unforeseen hiccoughs.

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