
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Dec 2020

Vision 2021

The head of a pin

How quickly the world changed. 

Digitisation, distribution, costs and regulation

From IFRS17 to M&A, next year is sure to be a busy one on all fronts.

Accelerate innovation, improve distribution and delivery

Lloyd’s has estimated that COVID-19 underwriting losses will ultimately cost somewhere in the order of $107bn, in line with some of the largest US hurricane catastrophe loss years.

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Reason for optimism

While Malaysia battles a resurgence of COVID-19 cases, its re(insurance) market has remained resilient.

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A bright year ahead for insurers and reinsurers in the Philippines

The events of 2020 have pushed Philippine life and non-life (re)insurers to explore certain opportunities behind vast ‘known unknowns’, including the pandemic.

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Telehealth and preventive healthcare

The pandemic has only served to intensify pressure on Asia’s healthcare.

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A year of transition

For many reasons, 2020 has been a challenging year dominated by global health and economic crises, geopolitical tensions and meaningful changes to the way we work.

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Finding focus in uncertainty

COVID-19 has plunged the world into uncertainty but it has also created opportunities for insurers to innovate and build trust with their clients.

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Trust and agility

Great Eastern discusses how life insurance can keep up with the pandemic-driven digital acceleration, while making sure it retains the human element that is so crucial to the sector.  

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COVID-19 brings greater awareness of systemic risks

One positive outcome from the pandemic is a greater recognition of systemic risks that should prompt closer collaboration between the public and private sector.

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