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Jun 2014

Global News

Decision on systematically important reinsurers postponed to November

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has pushed the date for the announcement of the list of reinsurers which would be designated as globally systemically important (G-SIIs) from July 2014 to November 2014.

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ING prepares for listing in Amsterdam

ING is set to list its Europe and Japanese insurance arms in what is expected to be one of Europe's biggest floatations of the year.

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Q-Re renamed as Qatar Re

The former Q-Re LLC has changed its legal name to Qatar Reinsurance Company LLC. Going forward Qatar Reinsurance Company LLC will trade as Qatar Re.

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AIG's CEO search narrows to two internal candidates

American International Group (AIG)'s search for its next chief executive to replace Mr Robert Benmosche when he steps down early next year, has narrowed to two candidates from within the group.

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Legislative oversight a concern - RIMS

Topics discussed at this year's annual conference of the Risk & Insurance Management Society which was held in Denver recently include increased regulatory oversight, cyber, the presence of abundant capacity and ageing populations.

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