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Reinsurance reset at 19th SIRC 2023

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Source: Asia Insurance Review | Jun 2023

The Singapore Reinsurers’ Association has announced that this year’s 19th SIRC will be an all in-person event following the overwhelming success of last year’s event, which drew a record attendance of over 2,200 delegates from 62 countries.
By AIR Team
The Singapore Reinsurers’ Association (SRA) has announced that this year’s 19th Singapore International Reinsurance Conference (SIRC) will be an all in-person event following the overwhelming success of last year’s event, which drew a record attendance of over 2,200 delegates from 62 countries. The event is scheduled to run from 30 October to 2 November 2023 and will be held as usual on level three of Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands Singapore.
Marc HaushoferSRA chair Marc Haushofer said, “The SRA executive committee (EXCO) had deliberated intensely over the messaging that would appropriately encapsulate the state of the industry today, which had over the past few months displayed firm resolve and discipline to effect a much-welcomed rebound after enduring years of weak performance and soft market conditions.”
SRA executive director Jeffrey Yeo said, “The EXCO eventually decided that the theme for the 19th SIRC 2023 will simply be ‘(RE)INSURANCE RESET’, which is intentionally vague but presents sufficient scope to address the challenges for the (re)insurance industry to demonstrate its continued relevance and ensure resiliency amidst the prevailing uncertain and volatile risk landscape epitomised by spiralling inflation, rising interest rates, economic malaise, geopolitical tensions, and increasingly frequent and costly climate disasters.”
The SRA is now actively engaged in developing the conference programme and lining up the high-profile speakers and panellists who will headline this year’s SIRC, which will continue to strike a balance between a conference segment that delivers leading-edge insights and the equally important business segment that offers unparalleled networking opportunities.
“In this regard, we are pleased to announce that Hannover Re CEO Jean-Jacques Henchoz will be our industry keynote speaker on the opening day of the conference,” said Mr Haushofer. “We are also in touch with many of our loyal supporters to assemble another strong slate of speakers/panellists.”
Over the past few weeks, the secretariat had been rolling out the various partnership and meeting facilities packages during the soft launch phase. Among the industry stalwarts that have already committed their support this year are Swiss Re, which is confirmed as lead partner; S&P Global Ratings as SweetSpot partner; Lloyd’s as bilateral meeting room partner; MS Amlin as conference bag partner; Allianz Re, AXA XL, Gallagher Re, Guy Carpenter, Howden Specialty and Verisk as gold partners; Munich Re as technology partner; as well as JB Boda, Korean Re and Odyssey Re as silver partners. Swiss Re, Hannover Re and Aspen Re are also confirmed as the conference breakfast and lunch hosts on 31 October, 1 November and 2 November respectively.
The SRA also confirmed that Asia Insurance Review (AIR) will be the official media partner of the SIRC for 2023 – with regular updates on the progress of the work of the SIRC executive committee featuring in AIR’s various media.
“From the June 2023 issue onwards, AIR magazine will carry a monthly ‘SIRC countdown’ column that will carry news of the development of this year’s event – updates on speakers, sponsors, delegate numbers and more,” said AIR CEO Sheela Suppiah.
The market-leading AIR eDaily will also carry news of developments on a regular basis as they happen.
Meanwhile, several other companies have already snapped up over half of the exhibition desk and meeting room space on the conference floor ahead of the public launch of the partnership and meeting facilities programmes on 5 June when registrations opened on the 19th SIRC website at A 
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