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More top-level speakers announced for SIRC 2023

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Source: Asia Insurance Review | Jul 2023

The agenda for the most important reinsurance event in the Asia-Pacific calendar continues to grow in stature and depth with more high-profile speakers added to the stellar cast.
By AIR Team
The Singapore Reinsurers’ Association (SRA) has revealed more senior industry leaders who will be joining the strong cast of speakers and panellists featured at this year’s 19th Singapore International Reinsurance Conference (SIRC), which will be held from 30 October to 2 November 2023 at Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.
The SRA had earlier announced that Hannover Re CEO Jean-Jacques Henchoz will be the industry keynote speaker on the opening day of the conference, which will focus on the theme, ‘(Re)insurance Reset’.
Marc Haushofer“We are very pleased to have on board Swiss Re CEO of P&C reinsurance Urs Baertschi and AXA XL CEO of reinsurance Renaud Guidee as panellists on the CEO roundtable, which will kick-off proceedings on the second morning,” said SRA chair Marc Haushofer.
“We are still awaiting confirmation from another senior leader to join the roundtable, which will be moderated by Gallagher Re chairman international James Vickers. I believe the session will certainly spark highly interactive and incisive discussions on the state of the industry.”
Meanwhile, with the launch of the SIRC 2023 website, the SIRC secretariat continues to be inundated with queries from interested parties on the various partnership and meeting facilities packages available.
Almost all of the partnership packages have been taken up including:
Lead partner
Swiss Re
SweetSpot partner
S&P Global Ratings
Bilateral meeting room partner
Broadcast partner AM Best
Conference bag partner
MS Amlin
Technology partner Munich Re
Gold partners
Allianz Re
Gallagher Re
Guy Carpenter
Howden Specialty
Silver partners
JB Boda
Korean Re
Odyssey Re
Breakfast and lunch hosts
Hannover Re 
Aspen Re

“Booking for the exhibition desk and meeting room space on the conference floor continues to be brisk with over 80% of the available space already taken up. However, the meeting tables at the Lloyd’s Coffee House and S&P Global SweetSpot are currently still available,” said SRA executive director Jeffrey Yeo.

Once again Asia Insurance Review (AIR) will be the official media partner of the SIRC for 2023 – with regular updates on the progress of the work of the SIRC executive committee featuring in AIR’s various media.
“In addition to AIR magazine’s monthly SIRC countdown column that will carry news of the development of this year’s event – updates on speakers, sponsors, delegate numbers and more – the team will also be producing a newsletter each day for the duration of the conference,” said AIR CEO Sheela Suppiah.
To coincide with the start of the SIRC, the 27th Asia Insurance Industry Awards 2023 will also be held in Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre in Singapore on the evening of 30 October 2023.
The market-leading AIR eDaily will carry news of developments on a regular basis as they happen.
Registration is now open on the 19th SIRC website at with early registration rates applicable until 31 August 2023. A 
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