News Asia27 Sep 2024

Japan to host 31st EAIC in 2026

| 27 Sep 2024

Japan will once again be hosting EAIC in 2026, 24 years after the country last staged the biennial event in 2002.

EAIC new board member and Life Insurance Association of Japan director of International Affairs Hiroshi Tange said, "We are honoured to host the event in 2026, and look forward to welcoming all delegates. We will be preparing for the conference from now on, figuring out the theme and topics that will be important for the industry for us to cover."

He also said that the committee will be putting a Japanese spin on the next edition of EAIC, although they are not yet certain how that will take form.

“Japan hosted the first EAIC in 1962, so we are excited for it to return. That first edition started with 140 delegates, and today there are over 1000 delegates in Hong Kong, and it has expanded beyond East Asia to include participants from all over the world. We intend to build on the great efforts from the other member cities in the development of EAIC and carry on this momentum,” he said.

Mr Tange also said that the committee intends to make positive changes to the next edition of the EAIC to make it sustainable.

Dates and venue of the 2026 EAIC will be announced at a later time.

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