
Mr Alan Wilson
CEO, MSIG Asia Pte Ltd
Mr Chai Sophonpanich
Chairman, Bangkok Insurance Public Company Limited
Mr Chris Wei
Chairman, Blue Hong Kong
Director & Chairman, Executive Council of the International Insurance Society (IIS)
Mr Edward Moncreiffe
CEO, HSBC Life (International) Limited
Mr Erik Bleekrode
Head of insurance, KPMG China & Asia Pacific, KPMG
Ms Farah Jaafar
CEO, Labuan IBFC Inc Sdn Bhd
Mr Franck Baron
Chairman, Pan-Asia Risk & Insurance Management Association (PARIMA)
Mr James Beedle
CEO, Partner Reinsurance Asia Pte. Ltd
CEO, Property & Casualty APAC
Mr James Nash
President & CEO, AIG Japan
Dr Kai-Uwe Schanz
Deputy managing director and head of research & foresight, The Geneva Association
Mr Kevin Bates
Group head, risk & insurance, Lendlease
Ms Kumjoo Huh
Executive vice president/Managing director, Kyobo Life Insurance Co, Ltd
Ms Loh Guat Lan
Group managing director/CEO, Hong Leong Assurance Berhad
Mr Marc Haushofer
CEO, Asia Pacific & executive vice president, Validus Reinsurance Ltd, Singapore Branch
Mr Paul McNamara
Editorial director, Asia Insurance Review & Middle East Insurance Review
Mr Mark Saunders
Group executive, Group chief strategy & corporate development officer, AIA Group Limited
Mr Richard N C Austen
Chairman, Reinsurance Brokers’ Association (Singapore)
CEO, Asia Reinsurance Brokers Pte Ltd
Mr Russell Higginbotham
CEO, Reinsurance, Asia & Regional President, Swiss Re Asia Pte Ltd
Mr Ruud Sommerhalder
Partner, advisory services, PwC Hong Kong
Mr Sara Lamsam
President & CEO, Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited
Mr Scott Ryrie
Co-CEO/Board member & commercial director for Asia Pacific
A.M. Best Asia-Pacific (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Mr Shinichi Kishi
Chief regulatory expert, Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company
Mr Stephen Collins
Global partner, NMG Consulting
Dr Suthiphon Thaveechaiyagarn
Secretary-general, Office of Insurance Commission (OIC), Thailand
Mr Tapan Singhel
Managing director & CEO, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co Ltd
Mr Tony Gallagher
CEO, Asia Pacific, Guy Carpenter & Co, Ltd