Sponsors & Partners
Roll Of Honour
Mr Alan Wilson
CEO, MSIG Asia Pte Ltd
Mr Chai Sophonpanich
Chairman, Bangkok Insurance Public Company Limited
Mr Chris Wei
Chairman, Blue Hong Kong
Director & Chairman, Executive Council of the International Insurance Society (IIS)
Mr David Jacob
Regional CEO, Asia, Marsh (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Mr Edward Moncreiffe
CEO, HSBC Life (International) Limited
Mr Erik Bleekrode
Head of insurance, KPMG China & Asia Pacific, KPMG
Ms Farah Jaafar
CEO, Labuan IBFC Inc Sdn Bhd
Mr Franck Baron
Chairman, Pan-Asia Risk & Insurance Management Association (PARIMA)
Mr James Beedle
CEO, Partner Reinsurance Asia Pte. Ltd
CEO, Property & Casualty APAC
Mr James Nash
President & CEO, AIG Japan
Dr Kai-Uwe Schanz
Deputy managing director and head of research & foresight, The Geneva Association
Mr Kevin Bates
Group head, risk & insurance, Lendlease
Ms Kumjoo Huh
Executive vice president/Managing director, Kyobo Life Insurance Co, Ltd
Ms Loh Guat Lan
Group managing director/CEO, Hong Leong Assurance Berhad
Mr Marc Haushofer
CEO, Asia Pacific & executive vice president, Validus Reinsurance Ltd, Singapore Branch
Mr Paul McNamara
Editorial director, Asia Insurance Review & Middle East Insurance Review
Mr Mark Saunders
Group executive, Group chief strategy & corporate development officer, AIA Group Limited
Mr Richard N C Austen
Chairman, Reinsurance Brokers’ Association (Singapore)
CEO, Asia Reinsurance Brokers Pte Ltd
Mr Russell Higginbotham
CEO, Reinsurance, Asia & Regional President, Swiss Re Asia Pte Ltd
Mr Ruud Sommerhalder
Partner, advisory services, PwC Hong Kong
Mr Sara Lamsam
President & CEO, Muang Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited
Mr Scott Ryrie
Co-CEO/Board member & commercial director for Asia Pacific
A.M. Best Asia-Pacific (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Mr Shinichi Kishi
Chief regulatory expert, Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company
Mr Stephen Collins
Global partner, NMG Consulting
Dr Suthiphon Thaveechaiyagarn
Secretary-general, Office of Insurance Commission (OIC), Thailand
Mr Tapan Singhel
Managing director & CEO, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co Ltd
Mr Tony Gallagher
CEO, Asia Pacific, Guy Carpenter & Co, Ltd