Page 18 - AEC Digital Edition
P. 18

limited circumstances where Indonesian insurance                     the damage was caused by a wrongful act regarding their
providers are either unable or unwilling to provide the              personal data. There are also broad provisions in the
coverage. A new state-owned Indonesian reinsurance                   2007 Constitution that recognise an individual’s right to
company however was set up by Presidential Regulation in             privacy. The fact that the application and enforcement
October 2015, PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Indonesia               of existing data privacy legislation is different among
Re). The purpose of Indonesia Re is to provide reinsurance           the AMC means that insurers carrying out cross-border
capacity to the local Indonesia insurance market.                    supplies will need to navigate through a complex web of
                                                                     data privacy protection provisions.
   In Singapore, unlicensed foreign insurers, who are
not carrying on insurance business in Singapore under                Consumption abroad
a foreign insurer scheme, such as the Lloyd’s Scheme
and the Lloyd’s Asia Scheme, may not carry on insurance              Whilst the end goal of the AEC is to remove boundaries
business in Singapore. Further, Singapore does not permit            amongst the AMC, local regulations restrict cross-border
non-admitted insurers to advertise or promote their                  marketing of businesses, thereby creating a barrier that
insurance products.                                                  hinders the free flow of commerce.

   As the insurance industry shifts to adapt to the                     In Indonesia, unlicensed foreign insurers are not
digitalisation of the ASEAN markets, particularly with               currently allowed to advertise their business. An
regard to cross-border supply, data privacy regulations              Indonesian resident or citizen outside Indonesia may
and cyber-security laws of each member country may                   purchase insurance overseas for a temporary or long-
expose the insurance industry to new compliance                      term period, but only for the period they are outside
risks. Equally, it could also present opportunities to the           of Indonesia. The consumption of insurance services
insurance industry as businesses in the region look to               abroad is therefore subject to the residency status of the
mitigate their own cyber-security risks by purchasing                individual.
cyber-related insurance products.
                                                                        In Malaysia, foreign insurers may provide insurance
Data privacy issues from cross-border supply                         services through local brokers, if they are approached
                                                                     outside Malaysia by an approved Malaysian insurance
Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore have              broker to issue life policies for clients in Malaysia. The
data protection laws, but the rest of the AMC do not have            soliciting and advertising of insurance policies in Malaysia
comprehensive legislations that regulate the processing              by unlicensed foreign insurers is not permitted, but the
and protection of personal data. Instead, member states              consumption of insurance services abroad is allowed,
without comprehensive data protection legislation have               provided the insurance policy is concluded outside of
sectorial regulations with respect to information on                 Malaysia.
certain industries, eg, usually the telecommunication
and financial sectors.                                                  Cross-border consumption of life insurance by
                                                                     Singapore residents is allowed, if such sales do not render
   Thailand’s Civil and Commercial Code allows an                    the offshore life insurer’s business activity to be carrying
individual to seek compensation if it can be proven that             on a business in Singapore.

Free movement of persons within the AEC should eventually encourage  Back to Contents
the movement of talent and knowledge across the insurance industry.

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