
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

May 2018



Marine risk engineers face a more demanding future

XL Catlin’s Jarek Klimczak argues that as technology develops, marine risk engineers will have to become more versatile and technologically astute - expertise in automation/robotics, cybersecurity, asset tracking, advanced materials and building/ship design and construction will become more important.

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News - Cyber risk management will be a major challenge in 'smart cities' of the future

Cities in Asia Pacific are getting smarter, but they must be ready for the cyber security risks that accompany the growing adoption of tech-enabled real estate and infrastructure, according to the Clicks and Mortar: The Growing Influence of Proptech study by real estate services company JLL and start-up community Tech in Asia.

News - AI creates new risks, even as it brings benefits to businesses - Allianz

The widespread implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) applications brings many advantages for businesses,  such as increased efficiencies, fewer repetitive tasks and better customer experiences. However, in the wrong hands, the potential threats could easily counterbalance the huge benefits, as AI is vulnerable to risks especially cyber, said Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty’s (AGCS) The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: Future Outlook and Emerging Risks report.