
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Mar 2025

Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Regulator looks to improve business practices in non-life


Over the past year, Japan’s insurance regulator, the Financial Services Agency, has turned its attention to business practices in the non-life insurance industry, from creating a healthy environment for non-life insurers by promoting the use of brokers to strengthening systems for sales agents.

AI risks reshaping the insurance sector


As the insurance sector increasingly adopts artificial intelligence, it faces significant challenges related to algorithmic bias, data privacy, and regulatory compliance. Experts warn that navigating these risks is crucial for maintaining consumer...

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Traditional insurance can't keep pace with climate change


The increasing regularity and surging severity of natural catastrophic events leaves many disaster-related risks uninsurable. This should not be an impediment but presents instead an opportunity for seekers of protection cover to proactively build...

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All Stories

  • Magazine article aboutFrom-globalisation-to-fragmentation

    From globalisation to fragmentation

    It has been nine years since I joined Asia Insurance Review. While I feel like I now have a good grasp of the industry, there always seems to be something else new to learn. Emerging speciality lines, rapidly-evolving risks, the implementation of...

Market Profile


  • Magazine article aboutCommitment-to-fostering-a-thriving-lifestyle-for-all

    Commitment to fostering a thriving lifestyle for all

    With society and the economy constantly evolving as the world moves forward, and global geopolitics becoming increasingly complex, the life insurance industry has the moral responsibility to ensure a good long-term future for its policyholders and...

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  • ESG support initiatives by insurers

    How insurers support their stakeholders’ ESG initiatives is becoming a crucial issue in the global insurance sector. This topic was discussed by a sustainability panel during the ASEAN Insurance Congress held in Brunei last November.

  • Japanese non-life insurers shift focus to profitability

    The non-life insurance sector in Japan is manoeuvring through a challenging environment characterised by shifting consumer demands, regulatory adjustments, and heightened competition.

International Women’s Day




  • Magazine article aboutChina-pulls-out-all-stops-to-go-green

    China pulls out all stops to go green

    In China, the government and the insurance industry have made green insurance a focus of national policies. Asia Insurance Review brings you a review of some of the recent initiatives launched in this arena by the Chinese government and the...

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  • Pension trusts sprout shoots as an emerging business

    The Chinese government has been making huge efforts to promote retirement savings in a rapidly ageing country. Among the various pension schemes that have emerged are pension trusts. We explore how trust companies are integrating these into the...




  • Australia: FSC welcomes financial advice education reforms

    The Financial Services Council (FSC) welcomes the Government’s decision to reform education requirements for professional financial advisers, a vital move toward securing a sustainable advice profession.

  • Cambodia and Laos strengthen insurance ties

    The Insurance Regulator of Cambodia (IRC) and Department of State-Owned Enterprises and Insurance Supervision (SOEI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the Non-Bank Financial Services Authority Building in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, according...

  • China: New guidelines for EV insurance

    China’s national financial regulator has issued the first-of-its-kind insurance guidelines for EVs and plug-in hybrids.


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