
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Sep 2023



Insurance literacy for youth

For some years, ANZIIF has been running a Careers in Insurance programme aimed at boosting insurance literacy for young people – within both schools and colleges.

Reflections of a loss adjuster and claims manager

Sedgwick head of commercial property and major loss in the UK Simon Kay has more than 30 years’ experience in loss adjusting and claims management.

The modern risk professional

Many organisations are still lacking when it comes to the updated skills and knowledge needed to deal with the ever-changing risks of the modern world.

Adjusting to the new world

Over the past few years, Charles Taylor Adjusting has grown to be one of the largest loss-adjusters in the region.

Another El Niño event needs early preparation

The World Meteorological Organization warns of El Niño conditions that could bring record temperatures and extreme heat to Australia. Combined with climate change this could lead to an increase in natural hazards.

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