
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Oct 2019



Public private insurance partnerships - does the industry know its clients?

Addressing economic and societal impacts of natural catastrophes is critical to economic sustainability in the Asia Pacific region. The insurance industry has made progress on various ends over the years, but it needs to become better. 

Principles of insurance - should they evolve and how?

The guiding force for insurance, and other businesses, should no longer solely be on maximising shareholder value - but in delivering a more sustainable future.

An innovative use of parametric insurance in takaful

Al-takaful is an important risk management principle in Islamic society. It is also this principle of solidarity and shared responsibility that the International Islamic Fiqh Academy adopted in 1985.

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Traffic violations could lead to spikes in motor insurance premiums

As penalties for traffic violations rise steeply, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has been looking at how to rein in risky driving by linking traffic violations with vehicle insurance premium.

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