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Mar 2025

Indonesia: The continuing battle against fraud

Source: Asia Insurance Review | Nov 2017


With Mt Agung still threatening to erupt, delegates braved the risk to attend the Indonesia Rendezvous in Bali which has been held for 23 years now. 
Fostering a cooperative environment
The focus this year is on fraud and OJK’s Pak Riswinandi, the new Chief Executive of Non-Bank Financial Organizations said: “We need to be mindful of the importance of cooperation between stakeholders, enhancing the effectiveness of anti-fraud efforts in the insurance industry. The stakeholder is not only within the insurance industry and the government, but includes board of commissioners, directors, internal auditors, claims handlers and other employees.”
   He also encouraged roping in other professionals within the industry, including accountants, loss adjusters and intermediaries. 
AAUI officially launches their app 
Various other speakers also spoke on how to fight against fraudsters while AAUI officially launched their proprietary app at the Rendezvous, solidifying their desire to improve the insurance buying process for the public. 
   As part of their ongoing process to increase insurance penetration in Indonesia, the app signifies AAUI’s ability to understand their customers and utilise the technology they favour. AAUI Chairman Mr Dadang Sukresna had said during his opening address at the Rendezvous: “This app was created for the purpose of making it easier for the general public to research and buy general insurance products.” 
   He added that the app includes information on all general and composite insurers that operate in Indonesia, details on all the products they have, as well as vital corporate information. It also allows a user to search for nearby insurance agents, and keeps them abreast of any news, rules or events from AAUI. 
   The app was initially soft launched in August and was developed by Fuse Nano Tekno. A 
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