
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

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Source: Asia Insurance Review | Aug 2018

Global Asia

Theme: “Go Beyond”
13-15 August, Taipei, Taiwan
LAMP is GAMA International’s leadership and management programme. Traditional competition-based strategies are necessary but they are not sufficient to sustain high performance. Companies need to go beyond competing. Join nearly 1,700 financial services leaders coming together to connect, learn, innovate, and challenge business norms and boundaries at LAMP Asia in Taipei. 
5th SAS Life Insurance Conference
Theme: “Extending our borders, enabling our industry”
16-17 August, Singapore
Big data, predictive analytics, dynamic underwriting, blockchain, data protection, biometrics, wellness programmes, InsurTech and IFRS17 are some of the many recurring themes that the industry has been hearing of late. Are they market movers or disrupters? How can the role of actuaries evolve to make a positive impact? What are the current trends that will shape the industry over the next few years? The two-day conference will bring these topics to life. 
Les Rendez-Vous de Septembre
8-13 September, Monte Carlo, Monaco
This annual international congress provides for discussion of reinsurance issues and also marks the beginning of the annual negotiation process prior to renewals. This 62nd edition’s official cocktail, hosted by the Rendez-Vous association and the Monaco government, will be held on 10 September.
Asian Actuarial Conference
Theme: “Redefining the New Insurance World”
16-19 September, Hong Kong
An annual event organised by varying actuarial organisations around the region, with the Actuarial Society of Hong Kong as host for the 2018 edition. It aims to foster greater professional exchange of current issues and provide networking opportunities for actuaries and leaders in the insurance industry. Hong Kong SAR chief executive Carrie Lam will be delivering the welcome speech. About 500 participants are expected.
2018 LIMRA & LOMA Strategic Issues Conference 
Theme: “Organised Chaos: Keeping Pace in an Environment of Disruption”
16-18 September, Bali, Indonesia
This conference is targeted at CEOs and senior executives in financial services and life companies, and will address key strategic areas driving market success. Confirmed speakers to date include representatives from dacadoo, IBM and Prudential Life Assurance Indonesia.
3rd Asia Cyber Risk Summit
Theme: “To Be Cyber Resilient in a World of Evolving Cyber Threats”
17-18 September, Singapore
AI, big data and cloud computing are just a few of the hottest developments in digital. With this ‘ABC’ in insurance, the industry moving to digital and beginning to look at using distributed ledger technology, what are the new threats and vulnerabilities that companies have to be aware of to protect themselves and their customers? Meanwhile, data breaches and ransomware continue to find new victims. What are the insurance challenges and opportunities arising from today’s new world of cyber risks? This conference will address these issues and more. 
FAIR Reinsurance Forum
Theme: Reinsurance Opportunities Beyond Traditional Insurance
18-19 September, Beirut, Lebanon
This is the second edition of the reinsurance forum organised by the FAIR (Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers and Reinsurers) pool. It is dedicated to promoting cooperation among insurance and reinsurance companies in Africa and Asia by encouraging a stable, innovative, and competitive reinsurance market. 
5th Asia Agriculture Insurance Conference
Theme: The Future of Agro Insurance – Impact of Climate Change & Technology & Inclusive Insurance
20-21 September, New Delhi, India
While 2.2bn people in the region rely on Asia’s agricultural sector for their livelihood, it is at the mercy of Nat CAT disasters like severe heat, drought and floods. Meanwhile, there are new crop cultivation technologies which have boosted crop yields. Where do insurers stand amid these challenges and opportunities? This conference will explore the changing perspective of agricultural insurance today. A highlight will be the in-depth case-studies on the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (Indian prime minister Modi’s crop insurance scheme).
Dive in Festival (Singapore)
26 September, Singapore
Dive In, an initiative of Inclusion@Lloyd’s, is the insurance sector’s only international diversity and inclusion festival that runs concurrently in multiple organisations in different countries. This will be the third year that local insurers and partners come together to run the festival in Singapore, featuring a half-day conference style event on 26 September focusing on ‘unconscious bias’, with personal testimonials followed by an interactive workshop session with the attendees.
12th Middle East Healthcare Insurance Conference
Theme: “Evolution Strategies to Make Compulsory Health Insurance Sustainable and Successful”
23-25 September, Muscat, Oman
Under the patronage of the Capital Market Authority of the Sultanate of Oman for the second time, the Middle East Healthcare Insurance Conference comes back to Muscat, following the success of the event held in the sultanate last year. The conference will continue to look at the developments of compulsory health insurance in Oman and across the region; regulatory issues, the top health trends around the world; managing rising healthcare costs; impact of healthtech and InsurTech on insurance, use of data and analytics and innovative solutions and how insurers, employers, TPAs, pharmas and healthcare providers can contribute collectively to healthcare success.
21st AIRDC Conference 2018
Theme: “Building Financial Resilience – Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance”
25-26 September, Kathmandu, Nepal
Three years ago, the city of Kathmandu was crippled by a major earthquake that left almost 9,000 people dead and more than double that number seriously injured. In September, this gateway to the Himalayas will show the world that it’s officially back in business as it plays host to the 21st conference of the Association of Insurers and Reinsurers in Developing Countries (AIRDC) to highlight the importance of insurance in times of disasters.
InsurTech Summit Thailand 2018
4 October, Bangkok, Thailand
Outside China, the biggest potential for adoption of InsurTech lies in Thailand. While Singapore provides InsurTech to thrive in a controlled environment, the real opportunity lies in Thailand as it strives to be the ASEAN InsurTech Hub. Given its market conditions and geographic location, it is in prime position to attract startups. This summit will take a deep dive into what it takes for InsurTech to take off in Thailand and also showcase the most promising startups in the region.
Industrial Revolution 4.0 for Insurance and Financial Services
Theme: Blurring the Boundaries, Survival Still for the Fittest – Insurers to Step up their Game
16-17 October, Seoul, South Korea
The world is in the midst of IR4 – the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the technology-based knowledge revolution that is disrupting almost every industry in the world including insurance. Asia Insurance Review is partnering with the Korea Life Insurance Association for this inaugural conference, which aims to help insurers understand the deep impact of changes, address tech challenges in IR4, as well as provide solutions and case studies from around the world. 
15th Singapore International Reinsurance Conference
Theme: “Reinsurance Reloaded”
29 October – 1 November, Singapore
The 15th SIRC is organised by Singapore Reinsurers’ Association in conjunction with the Reinsurance Brokers’ Association of Singapore, with Asia Insurance Review as the official media partner. Held at the Sands Expo and Convention Centre at Marina Bay Sands, it will provide high level keynote speeches, networking and cooperation opportunities, with the Lloyd’s Coffee House acting as the integral core of the event where all interested parties meet under one roof. Singapore finance minister Heng Swee Keat is the guest of honour and official keynote speaker, while AIG global president and CEO Brian Duperreault will deliver the industry keynote.
15th Annual Gulf Insurance Forum 2018
17-18 October, Dubai, UAE
The 2018 edition of this annual forum is expected to address insurance pricing policies, the role of regulators, the importance of brokers, reinsurance and the use of technology in assessing and pricing insurance risks and issuing policies.
RMIA Annual Conference Gold Coast 2018
31 October-2 November, Gold Coast, Australia
This conference, which brings together risk and resilience professionals from around Asia Pacific, will feature keynote speakers like Australia assistant minister for finance David Coleman, former decorated Australian peacekeeper Matina Jewell, risk advisor Paul Chivers, HackLabs founder Chris Gatford and risk luminaries from BHP, Macquarie Group and Guardtime. 
EMEA Life Insurance Conference 2018 
Theme: “The Customer Journey”
11-13 November, Dubai, UAE 
This inaugural conference will focus on innovation and current topics affecting insurance and financial services companies conducting business and competing in Europe, Middle East and Africa. MEIR readers get a 15% discount to the event by using the promo code: DISC15.
3rd ASEAN Insurance Summit
Theme: “The Fourth Industrial Revolution and its Impact on the ASEAN Insurance Industry”
28 November, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A world of customer experiences, data-based services and asset performance through analytics in insurance requires new forms of collaboration, particularly given the speed at which innovation and disruption are taking place. The emergence of global platforms and other new business models means that talent, culture and organisational forms will have to be rethought. This summit will explore how innovative approaches and new technologies have the power to transform the way insurance business is conducted.
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