News People27 Sep 2024

Asia:Lockton announces new appointments

| 27 Sep 2024

Lockton has appointed Mr Deven Lim as CEO of Lockton, Singapore, effective 1 October and Mr Fred Boles as regional head of professional and financial risks (ProFin).

In his new role, Mr Lim will lead the Lockton Singapore retail team, with an emphasis on growth and organisational excellence. He will continue to nurture Lockton’s culture and strengthen relationships with partners and the community.

Mr Lim currently serves as chief commercial officer and head of corporate risks.

In his new role, Mr Boles will supervise the planning and delivery of regional ProFin, including cyber and credit. He will work closely with local retail teams and regional and international specialists to design and implement strategies and services that enhance service offerings in Singapore and across the region. He will also focus on driving revenue growth while identifying new territories for partnerships, alliances and investments.

Mr Boles will continue to oversee key clients and initiatives in Singapore as an executive director and remain a member of the Asia executive management team and the board of Lockton Singapore.

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