News Asia07 Mar 2025

Australia:Committee unveils draft of updated motor vehicle insurance and repair industry code of conduct

| 07 Mar 2025

An Australian code administration committee (CAC) has unveiled its updated motor vehicle insurance and repair industry code (draft) for public consultation before it is formally adopted. Businesses, individuals and organisations have been invited to have their say via the public consultation route that began on 5 March 2025 and will run for a period of eight weeks until 29 April 2025.

The updating exercise was taken up in response to an independent review of the original code by Dr Michael Schaper in 2023. Following Dr Schaper’s suggestion, a CAC consisting of representatives from the Insurance Council of Australia and the Motor Trades Association of Australia collaborated with industry stakeholders to develop the robust consultation draft. Consultation is now open on the updated code (draft). The draft code is available for public consultation on

The updated (20-page draft) code aims to improve clarity, fairness, and effectiveness in several critical areas, including:

  • Sanctions and penalties
  • Assessment and estimation times
  • Methods of repair
  • Dispute resolution processes

In addition to the draft code, the consultation committee makes available proposed changes to the governance structure of the code and formalisation of the CAC under an incorporated association.

CAC chair George Manos said, “As a committee we have worked hard to get to this point. We want to hear from insurers and collision repairers, as well as from broader stakeholders, including government bodies across the country.” he said.

“To support stakeholders, navigate the proposed new code, the CAC has developed an explanatory memorandum. Whether through the website or targeted industry engagement, the CAC has worked on making the consultation accessible for all stakeholders.”

“We want everyone to have their say. As a committee we welcome public submissions, as well as direct or confidential engagement with the Insurance Council of Australia and the Motor Trades Association of Australia.”

Submissions can also be made by email to

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