Page 19 - AEC Digital Edition
P. 19

Commercial presence                                             obligations under the AEC.
                                                                   To facilitate the implementation of the AEC, what
In Indonesia, foreign insurers wishing to issue insurance
policies to Indonesian citizens or residents must establish     is required from the AMC is convergence of regulatory
a local presence, either by setting up a local entity or by     frameworks, consistency across the region and
acquiring shares in a licensed Indonesian insurance             improvements in prudential standards. However, barriers
company. Any party wishing to undertake insurance               to achieving those goals still need to be overcome, including:
business or provide insurance to property in Indonesia          • Differences in maturity of regional markets;
must obtain a licence from the OJK.                             • Protectionist attitudes; and
                                                                • The logistical and language issues that surround the
   In Thailand, a non-admitted foreign insurer must be
licenced to carry on any insurance business locally, which         filing of policies on an international scale.
is a significant restriction on cross-border supply and            What cannot be underestimated is the scale of the
consumption. A non-admitted foreign insurer is prohibited       opportunities the AEC can offer to the insurance industry,
from marketing direct insurance products and it cannot          which should open up a market incorporating 10 countries
facilitate insurance contracts, although such restrictions      and 600 million people. The harmonisation of regulatory
do not apply to reinsurance. Conversely, there are no           regimes across the ASEAN region could lower costs
restrictions on Thai nationals or residents on the purchase     substantially when it comes to cross-border trade in the
of insurance from a non-admitted insurance company.             insurance industry, as complexity is reduced and efficiency
   By contrast, in Myanmar, foreign-owned insurance                Opportunities in electronic selling as a distribution
entities with a representative office set up in accordance      method are also expected to open up across the region,
with the Myanmar Companies Act 1914 may apply for a             in line with the AEC’s “e-ASEAN” objective. The deep
licence to operate in Myanmar’s special economic zones. A       penetration of tablets and smartphones across the region
US$30,000 application fee applies for these new licences. To    presents ripe opportunities for e-commerce, which the
date, three well-known Japanese insurance companies have        Asian insurance industry has yet to exploit. The principles
been granted temporary licences to operate for six months       of the free movement of persons provided by the AEC
within the Thilawi special economic zone under the new          should encourage the movement of talent and knowledge
initiative, mainly offering non-life insurance products.        across the insurance industry, as well as making further
                                                                efficiencies possible in the form of outsourcing.
Presence of natural persons                                        Despite the apparent delay in implementation of the
                                                                AEC, it will nevertheless be advantageous for insurance
In order to work in an AMC, expatriates are required to         businesses to have a clear strategy in relation to the
satisfy the local visa requirements of that particular          upcoming changes, and to be positioned in such a way to
member country. The history, socio-economic and national        take full advantage of the opportunities offered when the
security concerns affect the immigration and expatriate         time comes. The insurance industry depends on an open
policies of each AMC. Consequently, immigration and work        trading environment, and the introduction of the AEC
permit requirements for each AMC vary greatly.                  should eventually allow insurance businesses to share
                                                                information and spread risk across a global market place.
   In some member countries, such as Indonesia and
Malaysia, this process can be very complex and lengthy.         Contributors:
Other member countries have a maximum duration of
stay for an expatriate as a foreign worker. For instance,                      Peter Shelford
there is a maximum duration of two years and three years                       Country Managing Partner, Thailand
for completion of employment contracts in Brunei and                           Partner, Singapore
Vietnam, respectively. An expatriate’s term of work is less                    Co-Chair Insurance Sector, EMEA &
clear in Indonesia as it depends on the individual’s expertise                 Asia Pacific
and local workforce’s capability; only natural persons who                     DLA Piper
are either “directors” or “specialists” may supply certain,                    Joyce Chan
specified, insurance services.                                                 Partner, Hong Kong
                                                                               DLA Piper
The Future
                                                                               Robert Tang
We can see that advances towards the implementation of                         Consultant, Thailand
the AEC are varied among the AMC. Local state regulations                      DLA Piper
remain heavy, particularly in the AEC goal areas of cross-
border supply and consumption of insurance services.

   Although integration had been set to happen before the
end of 2015, it now seems impossible in most countries for
this deadline to be met. It is indeed uncertain when these
agreed changes will occur, given that the agreed date for
implementation will soon have been and gone, and yet no
new date has been formally agreed. It is expected that the
integration will occur in the years leading up to 2020. We see
that the legislative and regulatory changes already made
by the AMC as evidence of a firm commitment to fulfil their

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