Page 11 - Digital Edition SIRC Supplement
P. 11


 	 Malaysia                                                       	 Singapore
Market growth in line with economy                               Robust and ready for regional
As the economy grew at a higher rate in 2014,
so did the (re)insurance market. However,                        While the global economy is entering another
market growth may slow this year in line with                    phase of uncertainty, the general insurance
views that the GDP may grow at a relatively slower pace, says    industry is well-poised to continue strengthening and be ready
Mr Zainudin Ishak of Malaysian Re.                               for ASEAN Economic Community, says Mr Derek Teo from
                                                                 General Insurance Association of Singapore.
Small market, big potential                                       	 Sri Lanka
                                                                 Maintaining growth momentum
Despite being a small market and the challenges                  amidst challenges
faced, Prof Dr Fatta Bahadur KC of Nepal’s
Insurance Board (Beema Samiti) says there                        Dr Jagath Alwis of Ceylinco General
is big potential in the country as the regulator works actively  Insurance talks about the challenges facing
to grow the market.                                              the market, and what needs to be done to maintain and enhance
                                                                 further growth.
Opportunities available to boost                                  	 Taiwan
growth                                                           Non-life: Realistic expectations

Despite the challenges facing Pakistan’s                         Taiwan’s non-life insurance market continues
insurance market, there are opportunities to                     to log steady growth for the fifth year running.
be tapped on many fronts, says Mr Saifuddin N Zoomkawala         We speak to Non-
of EFU.                                                          Life Insurance Association of the R.O.C (NLIAROC)
                                                                 Chairman Jack Tai and Central Re President Chong-Tsang
 	 Philippines                                                   Juang on their assessment of the market in the past year.
Competitive market still attracting
new players                                                       	 Thailand
                                                                 A role in helping neighbouring
Mr Augusto Hidalgo from National                                 countries
Reinsurance Corporation of the Philippines
provides an overview of the industry; drivers of and challenges  Mr Vinod Krishnan from Aon Benfield
to this growth; regulatory changes and the role of reinsurance;  gives an update on the market and the role
and the future of the market.                                    of Thailand in helping to develop neighbouring countries’
                                                                 insurance sectors in view of ASEAN Economic Community,
                                                                 which would be most helpful when cross-border projects are
                                                                 taking place.

54 ASEAN FOCUS                                                                                             54
              	 Southeast Asian states have targeted the end of 2015 to create a more integrated economic
            region, and the effect on the insurance industry is potentially wide ranging in the long run
            – from regulations, distribution, products, talent and operating cost base, amongst others.

56 MENA FOCUS                                                                                              56
              	 Weak technical performance is driving MENA-based reinsurers towards the Asia Pacific
            and other territories in search of higher-margin business, say Messrs Myles Gould and
            Mahesh Mistry of A.M. Best.

58 RISK MANAGEMENT FOCUS                                                                                   58
              	 Mr Raj Juta and Mr David Menezes of Deloitte, say that the reinsurance industry
            has performed admirably as Asia weathered a number of large CAT events in recent years.
            Looking ahead, the role of risk management has come under the spotlight particularly
            given the widespread regulatory thrust for risk-based capital regimes.

SIRC Supplement • November 2015 •                                                            9
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