Page 23 - Digital Edition SIRC Supplement
P. 23


   With its more stringent requirements on risk management                                                           affords reinsurers
and governance, C-ROSS creates strong incentives for all                                                             opportunities
insurers to improve their Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)                                                           to partner with
practices. The requirements, specified in Pillar 2, define a                                                         regional insurers,
“control risk” for insufficient risk management and governance,                                                      the CIRC and
which translates into additional capital requirements. As                                                            local government
a recognised and up-to-date methodology for tracking and                                                             authorities, to
measuring risks and opportunities, ERM is likely to be the                                                           develop insurance
system of choice.                                                                                                    schemes and
                                                                                                                     products to provide
   Insurers may also be compelled to reconsider their growth                                                         Nat CAT protection
strategies and business portfolios, for example, writing more                                                        to municipalities.
motor/liability business but less property/marine or, in the case
of mono-liners, expanding into other lines to diversify.                                                                 C-ROSS will
Risk management challenges                                                                                           generally reduce
In response to the different risk charges for different LoBs                                                         the risk capital
under C-ROSS, insurers can be expected to alter their ceded                                                          requirement for
portfolio mix. There will likely be more cession on high-cost                                                        motor business,
lines like property and less on motor. There might also be                                                           improving the
more demand for Nat CAT relief because of the new Nat CAT                                                            capital positions
charge in the model. Also, due to the huge difference in credit                                                      of large insurance
risk charge between onshore and offshore reinsurance, insurers                                                       companies. At the
should revisit their programmes to reduce offshore cession.                                                          same time, China’s
                                                                                                                     top 25 insurers may
   Strong insurers will be able to further increase their          need more capital as their assets expand and their
lead through improved pricing of risks and M&A activities          investment appetites become more aggressive in response
to diversify or expand. Weaker or subscale insurers who            to options widened by the regulator in recent years. We
consistently achieve return below their capital costs might        expect more P&C insurers to replenish their capital
need to rethink their business models to divest, merge or even     through subordinated debt issuance and equity issuances
exit the industry.                                                 to increase their regulatory solvency ratios and to support
   C-ROSS discourages excessive risk taking on the asset side         The still low penetration in conjunction with ongoing
by including market and credit risk charges. Insurers with a       governmental reforms, which are making certain types of
large proportion of risky assets might have to restructure their   insurance such as food safety liability and environmental
investment portfolios to de-risk. This would have the biggest      liability virtually mandatory, will continue to drive the
impact on insurers who rely heavily on investment income to        insurance market. New personal product development
offset underwriting losses.                                        opportunities will open up for Chinese insurers, and those
Positive implications for reinsurers                               with access to in-depth knowledge and experience in this
The new solvency regime should be positive for reinsurance         area will benefit most. Accordingly, reinsurers that are
related to P&C business, as it raises awareness of the need        able to provide personal product know-how and adapt it
for property protection to prepare for catastrophes. This will     to local market conditions will be in a strong position.
support insurance penetration and premium growth for primary          A further trend shaping the market is multichannel
insurers, with a knock-on effect on reinsurance. The China         sales. Online insurance can complement bancassurance
Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) has named promotion         and agency channels, addressing different target groups
of local Nat CAT insurance plans as one of its key focuses. This   with straightforward financial products aimed at the
                                                                   younger generation. At the same time, the middle-
                                                                   aged or older consumers who make up the majority of
                                                                   bancassurance policyholders will continue to expect the
                                                                   personalised services and products provided by insurance
                                                                   agents. Here again, reinsurers have an opportunity to
                                                                   cooperate with primary insurers to develop innovative
                                                                   solutions and achieve an ideal mix, including tailored
                                                                   products that fit the emerging online distribution channel.
                                                                      In property business, recent growth in credit guarantee
                                                                   insurance is another important trend. As the market
                                                                   for this type of product expands, competition can be
                                                                   expected to heat up. Primary insurers that can rely on
                                                                   their reinsurers for technical and international expertise
                                                                   in this segment will enjoy a decisive advantage.
                                                                      To sum up, China’s economy is no longer growing at
                                                                   the dizzying pace seen over the past two decades, but this
                                                                   in and of itself is no cause for concern. In fact, there are
                                                                   good indications that it is entering a period of somewhat
                                                                   lower yet healthy and sustainable development. This is
                                                                   good news for the insurance industry as a whole, and in
                                                                   turn for reinsurers able to serve the market and its unique

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