Page 40 - AEC Digital Edition
P. 40

REACH,         In November 2006, ACR became the
               world’s first risk solu ons group set up
PARTNERSHIPS,  with a pan-Asia focus.

SOLUTIONS      Today, ACR offices can be found in
               11 ci es across Asia, serving businesses
               in more than 50 Asian territories.

               We are commi ed to crea ng stronger
               risk solu ons forged on greater
               local presence and closer partnerships.

               We are here. In Asia. For Asia.

                                                             In Asia. For Asia.

Singapore | Hong Kong | Taiwan | Japan | Korea | Vietnam | India | Dubai | China | Malaysia | Bahrain
For more information, please visit

ACR Capital Holdings Pte. Ltd. (Company Registra on No.: 200617057M)
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