Page 9 - AEC Digital Edition
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ASEAN economic cooperation is a top-down initiative and hence awareness
among stakeholders is low and uneven

Looking back at ASEAN”s history, one notes that economic           subject of political elites, with almost no involvement
cooperation came much later to the agenda than the pursuit         from other stakeholders. This has been accompanied by
of peace and stability. ASEAN was instituted in 1967 so as         a generalised low level of awareness of relevant economic
to promote peace and stability so that individual member           cooperation measures, particularly among the end-users.
countries could focus on their domestic economies and              Hence, despite low tariff levels for intra-regional trade, the
promote growth and development in a sustainable manner.            latest surveys indicate little interest among firms to utilise
Hence, it was not until 1976 that they decided to cooperate        the existing preferences.
further to showcase their solidarity. Slowly, economic
cooperation became a form of diplomacy and most often                 It has only been of late, with the looming deadline of
was carried out in foreign ministries in consultation with         2015, that private sector groups have begun to voice their
the commerce or trade ministries.                                  concerns. They have, in general, complained not about
                                                                   tariff but about non-tariff barriers and problems with
   But international trade is not carried out between              other facilitation mechanisms. Even then, advocacy for
a few government agencies. Rather, it is a concern of              trade initiatives is not unanimous in nature. It is most often
several sectoral government bodies, who may have                   driven by the relative strength of particular firms that bring
limited awareness regarding globalisation and economic             in more foreign direct investment to the country. Also most
cooperation matters. In addition, countries of the region          government agencies, other than the foreign and commerce
were already undergoing a market-driven economic                   ministries, generally lack detailed knowledge about the
integration, led by multinationals (MNCs). This led observers      AEC, and hence may not share the same vision on economic
of trade agreements to say that economic regionalism is a          cooperation matters.

AEC should be seen in conjunction with the ASEAN Political-Security Community
and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community

Community building in ASEAN has to be seen in a                    and economically integrated, capable of cooperating
comprehensive manner, taking on board its economic,                effectively on regional public goods.
political and socio-cultural aspects. An economic
community in ASEAN entails increased economic                         Hence, AEC should not be seen solely with regard to
cooperation, delivering on free flow of goods, services            its economic aspects when judgements are made about
and investments, equitable economic development and                whether ASEAN can deliver on its community-building
reduced poverty. A political security community works              commitments. ASEAN has managed to foster peace in the
towards regional peace and stability while a socio-cultural        region for more than two decades.
community encompasses regional cooperation in areas
like protection of the regional environment, limiting the             Its members have also engaged the major powers in
spread of contagious diseases, combating transnational             Southeast Asian affairs through various ASEAN- centred
crime, and cooperation in responding to natural disasters.         forums and cooperative activities such as a free trade
It is hoped that all these put together will cultivate a sense     area and through economic partnership. This has
of regional identity.                                              contributed directly to the region”s stability. ASEAN has
                                                                   also recognised the growing importance of cooperation
   In other words, the ASEAN Community is likely in                in the protection of the regional environment and other
the future to be a region that is politically cohesive             regional public goods under the socio-cultural mode of

Conclusion                                                            Nevertheless, now, more than ever, is the time when
                                                                   the countries should come together to strengthen the
The AEC blueprint is a complex and detailed document.              economic community. The global economy has been in a
Despite a few failing measures, it is nevertheless a little early  constant state of flux since the latest financial crisis, and the
to conclude that the AEC will not transpire. A more effective      exponential growth in social media has meant that every
way to judge the AEC is to go by its components and actions.       event is instantly transmitted and discussed all over the
That is why member countries are also focusing on a priority       world. In such an environment, any form of co-operation
list, rather than the entire AEC blueprint.                        among countries is welcome. The AEC-2015 may not be able
                                                                   to deliver on a fully integrated single market and production
   It is only a decade since ten socially and economically         base for ASEAN stakeholders, but it will likely be a stronger
diverse countries have started this journey towards the            group of nations on many counts. This will help ASEAN
AEC. Awareness both among policy makers and final                  members withstand the next global crisis with confidence,
users are just beginning. It should not be concluded yet           whenever it arrives.
that the political leaders lack resolve and are trying to
compete with each other, thereby relinquishing on the
goal of the AEC.

Sanchita Basu Das is ISEAS Fellow and Lead Researcher (Economic Affairs) at the ASEAN Studies Centre, ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore.

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