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P. 20


Opportunities for international
reinsurers in the market

While Brunei’s insurance industry is small and faces some headwinds with its close
association to the country’s economy, Mr Kolja Klawunn, Vice Chairman, Brunei
Insurance and Takaful Association, points out the opportunity for international
reinsurers in the market.

Although the business environment for insurers is              Governance-related development
          challenging, Brunei Darussalam’s small insurance     The Brunei insurance market has been experiencing quite a
          industry continues to expand gradually. The rapid    few regulatory and governance-related changes in the course
growth of family takaful especially, points towards an         of the past two years.
awakening of interest among ethnic Malays in life insurance-
related products.                                                 At the beginning of 2014, a new insurance industry
                                                               association was established. For the first time, all insurance
   High court awards to accident victims have impacted the     companies, life insurers, property & casualty players as well
profitability of mandatory
Motor and Workers’                                                                                     as conventional and takaful
Compensation insurance.                                                                                operators are represented
Long-standing factors                                                                                  within one industry body.
have affected insurance                                                                                The establishment of the
penetration, including the                                                                             Brunei Insurance and
Sultanate’s extensive social                                                                           Takaful Association (BITA)
welfare system, which limits                                                                           can be seen as an important
demand for private cover, and                                                                          milestone. Not only do all
the structure of its economy,                                                                          insurers in the country have
in which the dominant oil                                                                              an official voice now, the
and gas industry needs to                                                                              Authority Monetary Brunei
insure larger risks than local                                                                         Darussalam (AMBD) also has
insurers can handle. The                                                                               an appropriate counterpart
result is a highly competitive                                                                         to discuss both insurance
industry in which takaful                                                                              market as well as regulation-
providers seem to continue                                                                             related topics.
grabbing market share.
Market update                                                                                              During the course of 2014,
The year 2014 saw an overall                                                                           new agency registration
increase in general insurance                                                                          guidelines (Property &
GWP by 6% to B$193.7                                                                                   Casualty) became effective.
million (US$138.52 million),                                                                           This requires existing and
driven predominantly by                                                                                new agents now to register
Motor business. This sector                                                                            with the Registrar of
still represents the biggest                                                                           Companies (ROC) before
share of the insurance market                                                                          officially registering with
with 47%, while it is also                                                                             BITA and AMBD. Individual
responsible for 65% of                                                                                 agents would no longer be
gross claims. Other major                                                                              accepted.
lines of business are Fire
and Workers’ Compensation                                                                                  Moreover, AMBD
with each representing                                                                                 introduced new Motor
approximately 8% of the overall GWP. The category Others,                                              vehicle financing guidelines
which also includes Energy business, adds up to 27% of GWP                                             and regulation. The industry
in 2014, most of that being ceded to reinsurers. In general,                                           expects a reduction in Motor
claims figures can be described as rather moderate.                                                    premium income as a result.
                                                                  BITA also introduced new commission structures effective
   The Brunei insurance market currently consists of only 13   1 January 2015; high commission levels are now a thing of
insurance companies, one licensed broker and one licensed      the past. However, parallel with this commission reduction,
loss adjuster. Out of the 13 insurance companies six are       insurance premiums came under pressure as it was common
conventional general insurers, two general takaful operators,  practice among agents to give some of their commissions away
three conventional life insurers and two family takaful        as discounts to clients. This is particularly true for Property
operators. In a surprise development, Etiqa has recently       where rate reductions could reach up to 30% in the first six
announced its departure from Brunei. As of 1 August 2015       months of 2015.
,the company has stopped entertaining both new and renewal        In addition to the mentioned regulatory developments,
business.                                                      IFRS accounting principles have been introduced to the
                                                               financial industry. All financial institutions are requested to
                                                               produce IFRS-compliant accounts with their 2014 financial
                                                               statements. Due to limited expertise readily available in the

18 SIRC Supplement • November 2015 •                    Back to Contents
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