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country, this task turned out to be quite a challenge for most   expenditure on infrastructure. However, it will continue to be
of the industry participants. Nevertheless, the new established  difficult for the sector to significantly accelerate growth given
standard ensures financial statements are better comparable      the high level of economic security enjoyed by the Bruneian
with peers. And the fair value approach should also ascertain    citizens and the limited ability of local insurers to serve the
a more accurate representation of the respective financials.     economy’s dominant economic sector.

   AMBD and BITA are currently working on agency                    This limited ability due to sheer size of the local players
registration guidelines for the life insurance sector. At the    certainly represents a chance for international reinsurers to
same time, common underwriting guidelines and principles         grab a share of Brunei’s insurance market. Not only through
for the Motor business are being developed. Both initiatives     traditional surplus and excess-of-loss treaties, but more so
are expected to be implemented over the course of the coming     through fronting arrangements for big ticket items.
                                                                    Local insurers are allowed to pass on up to 100% of the
   In another attempt of keeping more general insurance          risk to reinsurers, and such use of local insurers with 100%
premiums in the country, an industry working group is also       reinsurance has become standard practice for the oil and gas
looking into the feasibility of setting up a local reinsurance   industry and contractors being involved in large infrastructure
company - Brunei Re. Structure, capitalisation or potential      projects. Local insurers are then offered what is called a
shareholders of such entity are yet to be determined, but        fronting contract, in which they earn a fee for being the insurer
this initiative has already triggered some attention in the      of record. The local insurer also bears the small but potentially
international reinsurance markets.                               devastating risk of being wiped out by a large claim if the
Economy and insurance industry outlook                           international reinsurer goes bankrupt. Hence, this is a risk
Brunei remains heavily dependent on the oil and gas sector       worth considering, when deciding on partners.
and the sharp drop in oil prices recently has already lead to a
slowdown in economic activity and government spending. Only      Conclusion
absolutely necessary projects proceed, which leads to further    The long-term future of Brunei Darussalam’s insurance
reduction in project insurance.                                  industry is closely associated with the general development
                                                                 of the country’s economy.
   The ambition of the Brunei authorities to further diversify
the economy continues to struggle to gain momentum. In the          GDP growth in 2015 is projected to be negative and 2016
longer term the Sultanate’s insurance sector will continue to    does not look much more promising. With a continued low
grow in line with the broader economy and population.            oil price and its challenges for the once-so-profitable oil and
                                                                 gas industry, and limited success in diversification into other
   Some of the expected boost to growth should come from         areas, Brunei will face some tough times to keeping up with
investments in industrial segments such as oil processing        its ASEAN friends.
and petrochemicals, as well as from planned government

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