Page 52 - Digital Edition SIRC Supplement
P. 52


Realistic expectations

Taiwan’s non-life insurance market continues to log steady growth                     Mr Jack Tai  Mr Chong-Tsang
for the fifth year running, in part due to economic and business                                         Juang
growth, and the regulator’s efforts to build the country’s financial
industry into an Asian wealth management hub. We speak to Non-
Life Insurance Association of the R.O.C (NLIAROC) Chairman
Jack Tai and Central Re President Chong-Tsang Juang on their
assessment of the market in the past year.

By Dawn Sit

Between 2013 and 2014, Taiwan’s non-life insurance                  among businesses has heightened,” he said.
         sector logged a 5.86% y-o-y growth in premium                 Mr Tai concurred, adding that policies for compulsory
         income, bringing it to a total of TWD132.2 billion
(US$4.25 billion) in 2014. In terms of lines of business,           automobile liability and other risks will help supplement the
almost all lines had seen an increase in premium income,            growth.
with the exception of marine and engineering which saw a            Increase in PA and health lines, whilst decline
decrease of 4% and 11% respectively. Motor insurance on the         expected in fire
other hand, recorded the largest growth in premiums (8.9%).         The NLIAROC, he added, has projected the growth rates of
Moderate growth expected, led by motor                              personal accident, health, and the rest of the casualty lines
Notwithstanding, when compared to the previous years since          (which include liability, credit, engineering and miscellaneous
the market got back on the positive growth track in 2010,           insurance) to be 8%, 12% and 6% respectively, or TWD34
last year’s growth has been the third highest (6.83% in 2011,       billion accrued.
6.59% in 2012) recorded. The positive growth trend looks
set to continue in 2015 as first-quarter results have shown a          Fire insurance however, is an exception as Mr Tai said
1.69% growth y-o-y. Likewise, both Mr Tai and Mr Juang are          premiums for this line of business is estimated to decline in
expecting a “moderate” growth in premiums of 3-5% this year.        the coming year.

   Motor insurance seems poised to lead the growth. Mr Juang,          While fire insurance premiums had increased about 30%
who expects the economy to achieve “moderate growth in              between 2010 and 2014 as a result of the implementation of
2015”, said this will contribute to the “increase of car sales and  1) the “self-rating discipline” for commercial catastrophe
overall business activities”. “Combined with the upward trend       insurance to restore rates to a reasonable level after 10 years of
in auto insurance pricing, we believe this will contribute to a     intense competition in 2011, and 2) the rate-review mechanism
stable growth in premium income. Further, we anticipate an          for non-CAT insurance in 2013, Mr Tai said: “However, this
increasing demand for liability insurance as legal consciousness    premium growth has slowed down since May 2015 and has
                                                                    even shown negative growth. Hence, we estimate fire insurance
                                                                    premium income to decline by 5% in 2016.”

               Non-life Insurance – Lines of Business (TWD million)

Year           2009     2010                                        2011     2012     2013            2014
Fire                                                                                                 22,697
Marine         18,705   17,365                                      19,050   22,223   21,896
Automobile                                                                                             7,355
Aviation       7,637    8,484                                       8,773    8,445    7,657          70,197
               50,276   52,658                                      55,826   59,653   64,454             811
 Engineering                                                                                          31,161
 Liability     1,153    1,261                                       1,097    836      696              3,922
 Credit                                                                                               9,084
 Accident      24,087   26,038                                      28,288   29,326   30,201           1,103
 Health                                                                                              14,026
 Others        4,808    4,156                                       4,482    4,652    4,402            1,431
Total                                                                                                  1,595
Growth (%)     6,023    6,567                                       7,513    8,250    8,601        132,220

               970 1,221 1,102 1,045                                                  996              5.86

               10,178   11,309                                      12,671   12,724   13,354

               139      860 1,069                                            1,229    1,322

               1,970    1,925                                       1,452    1,427    1,526

               101,859  105,805                                     113,033  120,483  124,904

               -5.46 3.87 6.83 6.59 3.67

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