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MENA reinsurance market
Performance under pressure

Weak technical performance is driving MENA-based reinsurers towards the                                        Mr Myles Gould  Mr Mahesh Mistry
Asia Pacific and other territories in search of higher-margin business, say
Messrs Myles Gould and Mahesh Mistry of A.M. Best.

The low level of insurance penetration seen in many                region from both international and regional reinsurers remains
        MENA countries, combined with the robust, albeit           well in excess of local demand, resulting in the continued
        deteriorating, profitability achieved by the leading       exacerbation of the current competitive pricing environment.
primary insurers, has made the region a target for both            MENA reinsurers’ underwriting performance
international and domestic reinsurers.                             deteriorates
                                                                   It is important to recognise that there has been a more
   Exhibit 1 shows the largest MENA-domiciled reinsurers           general shift in underwriting performance across the regional
ranked by GWP in 2014. Despite the growing presence and            reinsurance segment. The weighted average combined ratio
capacity provided by regional reinsurers, their profiles remain    for reinsurers domiciled in the MENA region has deteriorated
small compared with international peers                            over the past three years, falling from 96% in 2012 to 103%
                                                                   in 2014. This is in marked contrast to the global reinsurance
   In A.M. Best’s opinion, while lower oil prices cannot           market, where technical margins have remained robust and
be disregarded as a factor affecting economic growth in            improved over the same period, following the absence of
the MENA region, the impact on the (re)insurance sector is         major catastrophes. The performance of MENA reinsurers is
expected to be minimal over the medium term. Even in the           highlighted in Exhibit 2.
case of moderate economic contraction arising from persisting
low oil prices, A.M. Best believes there is still opportunity for     The weakening performance, whilst in part continuing
increased insurance demand in the region, given the low levels     to reflect overcapacity and prevailing competitive pricing
of insurance penetration and continued rollout of compulsory       conditions, has also been driven by a higher frequency and
insurance.                                                         severity of large losses stemming from the MENA markets.
                                                                   Typically, these losses have emanated from commercial
   Whilst the size and the sophistication of the MENA insurance    property lines, including fire, engineering and industrial risks,
market has increased notably over the past decade, it remains      with business interruption also being a significant contributor to
both developing and dependent on international reinsurance         the overall cost of claims. As a consequence, some (re)insurers
support, with local and regional reinsurers generally acting       have started to become increasingly selective in the risks they
in a follower capacity. Whilst some reinsurers have exited the
market, the number of new entrants is far greater than those
leaving. Consequently, reinsurance capacity in the MENA

         Exhibit 1: MENA reinsurers – Largest domiciled writers by GWP, 2014

Company                              Abbreviation                  Gross written premiums                      Net written premiums
                                                                          (US$ million)                              (US$ million)
Qatar Reinsurance Company LLC        Qatar Re                      535.9                                                    286.6
Trust International Ins & Reins Co. B.S.C. (c) Trust Re Trust Re   444.9                                                    260.4
Milli Reasurans Turk Anonim Sirketi  Milli Re                      412.6                                                    143.5
Arab Insurance Group (B.S.C.)        ARIG                          315.3                                                     137.1
Compagnie Centrale de Reassurance    CCR Algeria                   255.2                                                      59.3
Societe Centrale de Reassurance      SCR Morocco                   239.2                                                      13.6
Hannover ReTakaful BSC (c)           Hannover ReTakaful            205.4                                                      23.0

Saudi Reinsurance Company            Saudi Re                      148.3

Kuwait Reinsurance Company K.S.C.P   Kuwait Re                     117.0

Arab Reinsurance Company SAL         Arab Re                       81.6

Emirates Retakaful Limited           Emirates Re                   77.4

Gulf Reinsurance Limited             Gulf Re                       55.3

Societe Tunisienne de Reassurance    Tunis Re                      52.5

ACR ReTakaful MEA B.S.C. (c)         ACR ReTakaful                 41.3

Excludes branches of reinsurers not domiciled in the MENA region. Premiums are not restricted to MENA region.
Excludes companies for whom financial data was not available.
Source: A.M. Best research

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