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General Information

Land Area 510,890 sq km.
Climate Tropical; rainy, warm, cloudy southwest monsoon (mid–May to September); dry, cool northeast monsoon
(November to mid–March); southern isthmus always hot and humid.
Capital Bangkok.
Form of Government Constitutional monarchy.
Chief of State King PHUMIPHON Adunyadet.
Head of Government Interim Prime Minister Gen. PRAYUT Chan-ocha.
Population (July 2015 est) 67,976,405.
Population Growth Rate (2015 est) 0.34%.
Ethnic Composition (2010 est) Thai 95.9%, Burmese 2%, other 1.3%, unspecified 0.9%.
Religious Affiliation (2010 est) Buddhist (official) 93.6%, Muslim 4.9%, Christian 1.2%, other 0.2%, none 0.1%.
Birth Rate (2015 est) per 1,000 population 11.19 births.
Death Rate (2015 est) per 1,000 population 7.8 deaths.
Infant Mortality Rate (2015 est) per 1,000 live births 9.63 deaths.
Life Expectancy at Birth (2015 est) Male 71.24 years; Female 77.78 years.


Monetary Unit B1 (Thai Baht) = 100 stangs.
Exchange Rate (10 Sep 2015) US$1 = B36.1951 (Thai Baht).
GDP purchasing power parity (2014 est) US$985.5 billion.
GDP per capita (2014 est) US$14,400.

                                   Insurance market structure

Number of registered insurers

                               2012 2013 2014           Non-life insurance

Life insurers                      24 24 24             Non-life – Statistics

General insurers                   NA NA 64              (US$ mln & %)                                                         2012     2013                              2014
                                                        Gross written premium                                                  5,849    6,585                             6,555
 Total                             NA NA 88             Net claims incurred                                                    1,892    1,859                             2,118
                                                        Retention ratio                                                        70.0%    70.0%                             70.0%
Life insurance                                          Incurred loss ratio                                                    51.0%    42.0%                             47.0%
                                                        Underwriting results
Life – Net written premiums                             Total assets                                                              177     651                               499
                                                                                                                              18,556   14,834                            14,091
(US$ mln)                          2012 2013 2014

First year premiums (less refund) 2,669 2,989 2,951

Renewal premiums (less refund) 8,392 9,444 9,074

Single premiums (less refund)      1,532 1,706 1,697

Total (including single premium) 12,593 14,139 13,721   Non-life – Gross written premiums by class of business

Total (excluding single premium) 11,061 12,433 12,024         7,000
Net written premiums (US$ mln)
Life – Net written premiums                                                                 Gross written premiums (US$ mln)  6,000
16,000                                                                                                                        4,000
14,000         1,532  1,706 1,697                                                                                             2,000                                      Total
12,000                                                                                                                        1,000                                      Motor
10,000                                                                                                                                                                   Fire
                                                                                                                                     2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014  Marine
8,000          8,392  9,444 9,074  Single premiums
6,000                              (Less refund)
                                   Renewal premiums
4,000                              (less refund)
                                   First year premiums
2,000          2,669 2,989 2,951   (less refund)

               2012   2013   2014                                                                                             Source: 2015 ASEAN Insurance Statistical Report

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