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General Information

Land Area 328,657 sq km.
Climate Tropical; annual southwest (April to October) and northeast (October to February) monsoons.
Capital Kuala Lumpur.
Form of Government Constitutional monarchy & parliamentary democracy.
Chief of State King Tuanku ABDUL HALIM Mu’adzam Shah.
Head of Government Prime Minister Mohamed NAJIB bin Abdul Razak.
Population (July 2015 est) 30,513,848.
Population Growth Rate (2015 est) 1.44%.
Ethnic Composition (2010 est) Malay 50.1%, Chinese 22.6%, indigenous 11.8%, Indian 6.7%, other 0.7%, non-citizens
Religious Affiliation (2010 est) Muslim (official) 61.3%, Buddhist 19.8%, Christian 9.2%, Hindu 6.3%, Confucianism,
Taoism, other traditional Chinese religions 1.3%, other 0.4%, none 0.8%, unspecified 1%.
Birth Rate (2015 est) per 1,000 population 19.71 births.
Death Rate (2015 est) per 1,000 population 5.03 deaths.
Infant Mortality Rate (2015 est) per 1,000 live births 13.27 deaths.
Life Expectancy at Birth (2015 est) Male 71.97 years; Female 77.73 years.


Monetary Unit RM1 (Malaysian Ringgit) = 100 cents.
Exchange Rate (10 Sep 2015) US$1 = RM4.36185 (Malaysian Ringgit).
GDP purchasing power parity (2014 est) US$746.1 billion.
GDP per capita (2014 est) US$24,700.

                                       Insurance market structure

Number of registered insurers

Non-life insurers               2012   2013  2014         Non-life insurance                                                                   2012              2013    2014
Life insurers                     20     20    19                                                                                              3,530              3,756  3.974
                                    9     9     9         Non-life – Statistics
                                                           (US$ mln & %)                                                                          302               340    381
Composite insurers               6        6     5
Professional reinsurers          7        7     7         Gross written premium
Takaful operators               12       11    11
Total                           54       53    51         Underwriting results

Policies in force (US$ bln)Life insurance                                                                                     Non-life – Gross written premiums
                                                                                              Gross written premiums (US$ mln)
Net written premiums                                                                                                              4,100


(US$ mln)                       2012 2013 2014                                                                                  3,800                                                      Total
Total premiums                  9,812 9,985 10,231                                                                              3,700                                    2014
Life policies in force                                                                                                          3,500
400                                                                                                                             3,300

350  0.063      0.084                                                                                                                    2012

300 77.7 89.5           0.084                                                                                                                  2013
250                     86.9


150  242.0      253.2    219.1         Annuity
100                                    Investment-linked
                                       Ordinary life

     2012 2013 2014                                                                                                                            Sources: sigma Report; 2015 ASEAN Insurance Statistical Report;
                                                                                                                                                                             Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM)

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