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P. 46
Robust and ready for
regional integration
While the global economy is entering another phase of uncertainty, Singapore’s
general insurance industry is poised to continue strengthening and be ready for
ASEAN Economic Community, says Mr Derek Teo, Executive Director, General
Insurance Association of Singapore.
The global economy has entered another phase of Courts of a Motor Accident Guide, which provides people a
uncertainty and market volatility. Singapore, a ready reference when they are involved in a motor accident.
highly open and trade-reliant economy, is often It encourages members of the public, motorists and insurers
one of the first to feel and bear the impact of a global or to settle motor accident claims out of court, which we believe
regional economic turmoil. This has already manifested in will help our industry bring down the cost of claims processing
the performance of the Singapore economy so far this year. and settlement.
GDP contracted by 4.0% on a q-o-q seasonally-adjusted
annualised basis in the second quarter of 2015. Economists Thanks to initiatives like these, we have been seeing a
expect full-year GDP growth to be slower than previously consistent decline in the number of reported motor accidents.
forecast. In 2014 alone, the number of reported accidents tracked by
the GIA Records Management Centre stood at 148,792, down
The general insurance industry is not insulated from the by 3.2% from 2013. For the past five-year period, this number
vagaries of the market and a downturn in the economy. Demand went down by 9.3% from 164,065 in 2010 to 148,792 in 2014.
for non-compulsory product segments does take a beating when A pivotal year for ASEAN region
economic activity slows down. But we have enough areas in Outside our domestic market, the growing economic integration
the Singapore general insurance market that can sustain our in the region, particularly in ASEAN, is a clear area of
business through uncertainty. opportunity for our industry. This is a pivotal year for the
Singapore economy and the rest of the ASEAN member states
A major regional business and financial centre, we expect as the region integrates into a single economic community.
demand for commercial and specialist insurance to continue. Singapore, being a financial hub, is well positioned in the
As we have witnessed the past few years, the growing diversity provision of financial services, movement of capital, and
of Singapore’s businesses and their specialisations—and along transfer of know-how and technology. The same holds true for
with it the types of risks they manage and need to protect the Singapore general insurance industry.
against—has spurred growth in our specialist lines of business.
Credit insurance, for example, saw a spike in premiums— While the region has gone through significant economic
growing by 52% and 53.6% y-o-y in net earned premiums in developments, has seen rising affluence, and continues to
2014 and 2013 respectively—as the need for credit protection grow—with an aggregated GDP of US$2.4 trillion—the
increased. developing status of many of its economies means it requires
the protection and guarantee of insurance products. Risk-taking
On the personal insurance front, the sustained efforts of forms a key part of the development process of these economies
the General Insurance Association of Singapore (GIA) to as companies and governments build businesses, industries, and
bring about greater awareness of the need for personal general infrastructure. Accordingly, their need for general insurance
insurance products, such as travel, personal accident and health, coverage increases, particularly for commercial and specialist
have borne some fruits. We have seen higher appreciation and insurance.
take-up rate of such products as we continue our campaign
to educate Singapore consumers of the need for proper and The opportunity for insurers to step in and play a role in
adequate insurance coverage. Health insurance, for example, the development of emerging ASEAN economies is further
continued to be the best performer among the major classes of highlighted by the fact that much of the region is prone to
business in 2014, growing by 31% year-on-year in net earned and regularly experiences natural catastrophes. As these
premiums. catastrophes grow in severity and frequency, the need for
Improving practices for a more robust business general insurers to fill the insurance gap will inevitably
Improving the practices of our member companies and the increase.
efficiency of the way they do business—in distribution,
underwriting, data management, and claims handling—have This is one of the reasons the GIA, in coordination with
also helped bring down the cost of business to our insurers. the Life Insurance Association and the Monetary Authority of
Among key areas, we continue to build on the success of Singapore (MAS), has been working with our counterparts in
the Motor Claims Framework (MCF), which remains an the region to promote the profile and use of general insurance
effective scheme that simplifies and speeds up motor claims. in economic growth. As the ASEAN Economic Community
We have embarked on a publicity campaign to encourage (AEC) kicks off this year, we expect to help provide better
motorists to use in-vehicle cameras and to submit video risk transfer mechanisms in the region through a borderless
footage of motor accidents as part of the accident reporting insurance market in the region. The MAS has particularly
process. Since the MCF’s implementation in 2008, the identified three areas where liberalisation under the AEC will
number of motorists making reports within 24 hours of their benefit our industry and ASEAN economies: 1) catastrophe
motor accidents has jumped to 80%. insurance; 2) marine, aviation and goods in international transit
(MAT) insurance; and 3) reinsurance and retrocession.
We also welcomed the introduction in 2014 by the State
With an ASEAN Insurance Integration Framework already
44 SIRC Supplement • November 2015 • Back to Contents