Page 48 - Digital Edition SIRC Supplement
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agreed on by member countries, we are confident these areas Fire insurance also made some growth of 3.47% in gross
will see necessary liberalisation, particularly MAT insurance, premiums to deliver S$215.6 million, but its underwriting
which member states have agreed in-principle to liberalise. result suffered significantly after a robust performance in 2014.
Robust underwriting performance Underwriting profit was down by almost 50% from S$15.9
In a testament to the fit form of our business, the Singapore million in the first half of 2014.
general insurance industry delivered a robust underwriting
result in 2014, posting a 37.4% increase to S$391.7 million Motor insurance suffered a decline of 5.45% in its gross
(US$275.4 million) in its underwriting performance over premiums to deliver S$612.8 million, following a decrease in
2013. This was thanks in large part to the more than 500% premiums in 2014. Nonetheless, its underwriting profit surged
surge in underwriting profit of Work Injury Compensation by 34.60% to S$59.5 million, keeping on with its strong profit
(WIC) insurance. performance in 2014.
Meanwhile, total gross premiums and total net earned Like Motor insurance, the industry’s second biggest class
premiums registered modest growths. Total net earned of business, WIC, saw a slight decline of 1.94% in its gross
premiums grew 3.1% y-o-y to S$2.6 billion, while total gross premiums to S$219.3 million from S$223.6 million in the
premiums went up 1.1% to S$3.53 billion. same period of 2014. But it continued its robust underwriting
performance profit-wise in 2014 by delivering an increase of
For the sixth year in a row, the general insurance industry 84.95% to S$7.1 million in the first half of 2015.
trimmed its incurred loss ratio in 2014. It successfully cut its
loss ratio by 4.8 percentage points to 48.4%, significantly higher Cargo insurance suffered the biggest decrease—at
than the reduction seen the previous year. 14.30%—in premiums among the major classes of business,
Mixed result for 1H 2015 registering S$46.2 million in gross premiums. Likewise, it
For 2015, total gross premiums have so far grown slimly. As experienced another blow to its underwriting profit after a
of end-June 2015, gross premiums stood at S$1.9 billion, up decline in 2014. Underwriting profit tumbled by 32.33% to
by 0.65% over the same period in 2014. On the other hand, net S$8.4 million in the first half of 2015.
earned premiums went down by 6.75% from S$1.3 billion in Strengthening our industry
2014 to S$1.2 billion this year. Meanwhile underwriting profit Moving forward, we will continue to strengthen the Singapore
inched up by 2.71% to S$144 million from S$140.3 million in general insurance industry as a business, as a service provider,
the first half of 2014. and as a member of regional communities such as the AEC.
Besides our key areas of work for the industry, we have
Looking at the major classes of business, Health insurance embarked on new initiatives catering to segments outside our
made the biggest leap in gross premiums to post S$253.7 major, compulsory segments. We have, for example, launched
million, growing by 15.65% over the first half of 2014. It educational seminars on property and actuarial practice to
jumped back into profit after a loss of S$3.3 million in the first foster greater knowledge sharing and continuous learning in our
half of 2014, delivering an underwriting profit of S$9.4 million. industry. We have also made it a priority to expand our work
in consumer education, with a particular focus on motor and
Hull came in second to Health in gross premium result, travel insurance, as well as in growing the talent pool available
with 13.71% growth to S$80.6 million. It suffered another for our insurers. We will keep up our work in these areas and
underwriting upset though, with an underwriting loss of build on them in order to be more inclusive in our efforts to
S$89,000. Nonetheless, this was already an improvement from lead the further development of our industry.
the S$6.3 million underwriting loss that it posted in the first
half of 2014. Regionally, we will step up our cooperative efforts with
our counterparts in ASEAN to ensure a smooth and timely
Personal Accident insurance made a stable increase of integration of the insurance markets in the region. We will work
6.20% in gross premiums to deliver S$184.6 million in the towards ensuring all ASEAN insurance markets benefit from
first half of 2015, following its strong performance in 2014. It the integration by initiating and participating in collaborative
suffered a setback in its profit though, with its underwriting activities, such as in the areas of knowledge and technology
profit falling by 51.07% to S$12.5 million over the first half transfer, and working for the liberalisation of areas that will
of the previous year. benefit our industry and economies.
46 SIRC Supplement • November 2015 • Back to Contents