Page 28 - AEC Digital Edition
P. 28



General Information

Land Area 176,515 sq km.
Climate Tropical; rainy, monsoon season (May to November); dry season (December to April); little seasonal
temperature variation.
Capital Phnom Penh.
Form of Government Multiparty democracy under a constitutional monarchy.
Chief of State King Norodom SIHAMONI.
Head of Government Prime Minister HUN SEN.
Population (July 2015 est) 15,708,756.
Population Growth Rate (2015 est) 1.58%.
Ethnic Composition Khmer 90%, Vietnamese 5%, Chinese 1%, other 4%.
Religious Affiliation (2008 est) Buddhist (official) 96.9%, Muslim 1.9%, Christian 0.4%, other 0.8%.
Birth rate (2015 est) per 1,000 population 23.83 births.
Death rate (2015 est) per 1,000 population 7.68 deaths.
Infant Mortality Rate (2015 est) per 1,000 live births 50.04 deaths.
Life Expectancy at Birth (2015 est) Male 61.69 years; Female 66.7 years.


Monetary Unit KHR1 (Riel) = 100 sen.
Exchange Rate (10 Sep 2015) US$1 = KHR4,096.18 (Riel).
GDP purchasing power parity (2014 est) US$49.96 billion.
GDP per capita (2014 est) US$3,300.

                               Insurance market structure

Number of registered insurers  2012           2013  Non-life insurance                2012    2013          2014
                                  6              6                                        36      41         53
 General insurers                 3              3   (US$ mln & %)
 Life insurers                    1              1   Gross written premium            47.0%   39.0%           NA
 Professional reinsurers          2              2   Retention ratio                  53.0%   35.0%
 Micro insurers                   1              1   Incurred loss ratio                                      NA
 Brokers                          3              6   Total assets                         92      98
 Agents                          16             19                                                           97

                                                    Gross written premiums (US$ mln)Non-life – Gross written premiums by class of business


                                                                                         40 Total
                                                                                         30 Motor

                                                                                         20 Marine


                                                                                            2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

26 AEC – IMPACT ON INSURANCE • DECEMBER 2015                                          Source: 2015 ASEAN Insurance Statistical Report

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