Page 28 - Digital Edition SIRC Supplement
P. 28


Adapting to tap the enormous

Mr K Sanath Kumar, CMD, GIC Re, shares about the enormous potential in India
market, and the need for the (re)insurance industry to adapt to the changing

The India Story is not yet complete. It is still being               we expect the customer to walk over to our offices and buy
        written. The Indian economic landscape currently             insurance off the shelf so to say. In an emerging market like
        offers a very optimistic picture, occasional hiccups         India where insurance awareness and penetration is still far
due to various global issues notwithstanding. The overall            below the global benchmarks, the focus should be the customer
sentiment is very positive. It could be a harbinger of more          and the customer should be one who is at the bottom of the
realistic and balanced growth and development.                       pyramid.
Enormous potential
The Indian insurance industry, however, has a long way to travel        The new players, to build up their customer base and wiser
in terms of providing some kind of insurance cover to every          from the experiences of their seniors in the field, will offer
citizen of our country. Yes, the potential is enormous. The          simple and conveniently-administered products in the market.
sector has registered a growth rate in double digits y-o-y ever      This will also boost the insurance penetration in the country.
since 2000 when the sector was opened up for private players.        Growing awareness about natural catastrophes that are growing
However, something somewhere is not clicking.                        in frequency and ferocity due to climate change will also spur
                                                                     insurance penetration.
   During 2014-15, we wrote a gross general insurance
premium of INR86,000 crore (US$13 billion) and for 2015-16,             Over the last year, the Government of India has taken
we are optimistic of touching the magical figure of INR1 lac         up our role. It has introduced a limited variety of simple yet
crore ($15 billion). However, almost 70% of these impressive         very effective general insurance products for the masses. It
figures is contributed by motor and health portfolios, much of       has created an ecosystem that can enable a quick jump in the
which is mandatory or corporate driven. The track record of          insurance penetration in the country. I am sure we can pick up
house-holders’ policies, products for the small and medium           a thought or two from these schemes.
enterprises which can be a real determinant of insurance
penetration and Nat CAT protection and much more, is very               Our guiding principle should be that India needs insurance
unsatisfactory.                                                      and that Indian people need insurance, and we need to provide
Reaching customers at the last mile                                  them this in the most acceptable form. Hence, the success of
The challenge ahead of us is to continue to grow at this rate or     these government-initiated schemes, though these are in the
do even better and reach out to the person at the last mile. It is   very initial stages of their life cycle, should be an eye opener
not that the Indian insurance industry does not have products to     for the existing players and a lesson to keep in mind for those
offer to the various sections of the society. If I recall correctly  who are planning to start their innings here. But this would
even before liberalisation of the industry we had over 500-odd       complete just half the run. The other half would be complete
general insurance products. The awareness about these was            only when we are able to reach out to the customer at their place.
however, totally lacking.                                            “Marrying” insurance and tech
                                                                     The online retail industry, the telecom operators and various
   During the last decade and a half since 2000 when the             other online aggregators have embraced technology whole-
foreign direct investment (FDI) in the sector was limited to         heartedly but for variety of reasons insurance and technology
26%, we have had 28 companies operating in the non-life              are yet to “marry”. The Indian insurers need to develop
insurance sector. Now with the limit for FDI raised to 49%,          innovative and cost-effective IT-enabled delivery systems to
the number of players is bound to go up further.                     reach out to customers at Tier II, III cities and villages. The
                                                                     mobile-based payment systems, the new breed of payment
   Also, with the growth of Indian economy, living standards         banks, the Digital India Initiative of the Government of India
have gone up, incomes have risen, health awareness has               and social media all need to be exploited. Out of 310 million
increased and people are investing more. But all this progress
has not translated into actual growth in the general insurance
penetration in India. It is not that we do not have customers or
the potential customers do not have the wherewithal to provide
enough business for the players in the market. The essentials
for a very pulsating and vibrating insurance industry exist, but
in isolation, and they need the proverbial Big Bang to collate
into a live molecule.

Simple products and administration
To achieve that Eldorado, the industry needs to develop
products that are easy to understand, simple to administer,
and if the need arises, easy to claim and then reach out to the
potential customer. We would be only fooling ourselves if

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